At the end of last month, I went to Takigawa-keikoku ravine in Yamatsuri-town in Fukushima.
I drove there with my friend who loves photography. The traffic was smooth and the place was not crowded due to it was a weekday, so it was the perfect day for photography.
With the mirrorless camera, Sony a6000, that I bought in June in hand, I started taking a walk!

Aperture: ƒ/3.5, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 250
The first thing I saw was how green the leaves of the maple trees were. I thought it would be even more beautiful when the leaves have changed into autumn colors, but they were really beautiful as they were.

Aperture: ƒ/.22, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/50, ISO: 1600
I liked the relaxed ambience in the woods. It’s a very comfortable place to walk around.

Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 20mm, Exposure Time: 1/6, ISO: 100
The upper part of the river is slow-moving.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/8, ISO: 100
A lot of water keeps flowing, and you can hear the sound of the river along the way.

Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 31mm, Exposure Time: 1/13, ISO: 100
We reached Choushi-no-kuchi-daki waterfalls (I’m not 100% sure how to pronounce it), in 40 minutes or so. We could have been there sooner if we hadn’t taken any pictures.

Aperture: ƒ/11, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/8, ISO: 100
There was a little observation deck at the waterfalls.

Aperture: ƒ/13, Focal Length: 50mm, Exposure Time: 1/8, ISO: 100, cropped

Aperture: ƒ/4, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/50, ISO: 200
We found a gazebo on the way down. We took a break here for about five minutes on the way back up.

Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/10, ISO: 1600
『もののけ姫 』に出てきそうな森ですね。コケっぷりがいい!

Aperture: ƒ/3.5, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/250, ISO: 4000
There were many frogs in the woods.

Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/13, ISO: 1600
Takigawa-keikoku ravine is located in Yamatsuri town in Fukushima and selected as one of the 50 Most Beautiful Trails in Fukushima. You can enjoy walking down the path right along the river, surrounded by the pleasant sound of running river and nature. There are 48 waterfalls, some are big and others are small, along the 3 km ravine. It can be fun to find your favorite waterfalls.
▼福島県矢祭町公式ホームページ | The Official Website for Yamatsuri-town, Fukushima
The difference between the highest point and the lowest point of the ravine is 300 meters, so there were ups and downs. The path, however, was well-maintained, so it was easy to walk. The weather was so nice this time, not too hot nor too cold, so only a towel and a bottle of water would have sufficed. (I had neither of them, so my friend shared them with me. I will definitely take them with me next time.)
Please note that there are no restrooms on the path in the ravine, so I would strongly recommend you go to the restroom before getting into the woods. In addition, there are some slippery and/or rocky places, although the path is indeed well-maintained. So I think you should be on the safe side by wearing well-fitting shoes that give you support and grip and not trusting your physical strength too much. You may have to give up and turn mid-way if necessary.

There are parking lots both upstream and downstream on the river. We parked the car at the parking lot beside Takigawa-no-sato, a soba restaurant/souvenir shop, upstream and started walking down the ravine.

There was a map board.
It was truly awesome to take a walk with someone who loves photography. Since we both love photography, we didn't have to make each other wait while we were taking pictures.
I would love to visit there again when the woods have turned into autumn colors.
Read more camera & photography posts>> HERE
いい写真が撮れたらプリントして楽しみたいもの。私がおすすめなのは、家に居ながらにして専門店の高品質な印刷が楽しめるカメラのキタムラ ネットプリントサービス。
【家まで届けてくれる!】カメラのキタムラ ネットプリントサービスを利用してみた
Lens:E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS (Kit lens)
wade 動詞(ぬかるみ・雪の中などを)苦労して歩く; (本などを)苦労して読み通す
"Do you remember wading through pages and pages of text to prepare for an exam?" -Peter Pan 試験に備えて教科書をなんとか読み通したのを覚えているかい?
At the end of last month, I went to Takigawa-keikoku ravine in Yamatsuri-town in Fukushima.
I drove there with my friend who loves photography. The traffic was smooth and the place was not crowded due to it was a weekday, so it was the perfect day for photography.
With the mirrorless camera, Sony a6000, that I bought in June in hand, I started taking a walk!
滝川渓谷写真 | Photos of Takigawakeikoku

Aperture: ƒ/3.5, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 250
The first thing I saw was how green the leaves of the maple trees were. I thought it would be even more beautiful when the leaves have changed into autumn colors, but they were really beautiful as they were.

Aperture: ƒ/.22, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/50, ISO: 1600
I liked the relaxed ambience in the woods. It’s a very comfortable place to walk around.

Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 20mm, Exposure Time: 1/6, ISO: 100
The upper part of the river is slow-moving.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/8, ISO: 100
A lot of water keeps flowing, and you can hear the sound of the river along the way.

Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 31mm, Exposure Time: 1/13, ISO: 100
We reached Choushi-no-kuchi-daki waterfalls (I’m not 100% sure how to pronounce it), in 40 minutes or so. We could have been there sooner if we hadn’t taken any pictures.

Aperture: ƒ/11, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/8, ISO: 100
There was a little observation deck at the waterfalls.

Aperture: ƒ/13, Focal Length: 50mm, Exposure Time: 1/8, ISO: 100, cropped
I saw a brown dipper hunting at the bottom of the waterfall.
I cropped the picture, but this is the closest I can get with a 50 mm lens. This made me want a telephoto lens.

Aperture: ƒ/4, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/50, ISO: 200
We found a gazebo on the way down. We took a break here for about five minutes on the way back up.

Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/10, ISO: 1600
『もののけ姫 』に出てきそうな森ですね。コケっぷりがいい!
This place reminded me of the woods in Princess Mononoke. I like how deep the forest is with moss all over the rocks. I like that the a6000 can take high quality photos in a low light setting. This place was dim, so I had to take this picture at ISO1600, but it didn’t make much noise.

Aperture: ƒ/3.5, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/250, ISO: 4000
There were many frogs in the woods.

Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/13, ISO: 1600
About an hour and a half after we started walking, we decided to head back. My friend could have gone further, but I didn't want to push too much.
It took about 40 minutes to climb the way back to the starting point with a little break in the middle.
滝川渓谷について | About Takigawakeikoku
福島県矢祭町にある滝川渓谷は「福島の遊歩道50選」にも選ばれている名所。川に沿って設けられた遊歩道を歩けば、川のせせらぎを聞きながら散歩を楽しむことが出来ます。全行程3kmの渓谷には大小さまざまな滝(48もの滝)があり、お気に入りの滝を見つけるのも楽しいです。Takigawa-keikoku ravine is located in Yamatsuri town in Fukushima and selected as one of the 50 Most Beautiful Trails in Fukushima. You can enjoy walking down the path right along the river, surrounded by the pleasant sound of running river and nature. There are 48 waterfalls, some are big and others are small, along the 3 km ravine. It can be fun to find your favorite waterfalls.
▼福島県矢祭町公式ホームページ | The Official Website for Yamatsuri-town, Fukushima
The difference between the highest point and the lowest point of the ravine is 300 meters, so there were ups and downs. The path, however, was well-maintained, so it was easy to walk. The weather was so nice this time, not too hot nor too cold, so only a towel and a bottle of water would have sufficed. (I had neither of them, so my friend shared them with me. I will definitely take them with me next time.)
Please note that there are no restrooms on the path in the ravine, so I would strongly recommend you go to the restroom before getting into the woods. In addition, there are some slippery and/or rocky places, although the path is indeed well-maintained. So I think you should be on the safe side by wearing well-fitting shoes that give you support and grip and not trusting your physical strength too much. You may have to give up and turn mid-way if necessary.

There are parking lots both upstream and downstream on the river. We parked the car at the parking lot beside Takigawa-no-sato, a soba restaurant/souvenir shop, upstream and started walking down the ravine.

There was a map board.
まとめ | Conclusion
渓谷散歩は最高でした。写真の好きな友達と行ったということもあって、お互いが写真を撮っている間も特に待つことも、待たせることもなく、好きなだけ写真を撮れたのも楽しかったです。It was truly awesome to take a walk with someone who loves photography. Since we both love photography, we didn't have to make each other wait while we were taking pictures.
I would love to visit there again when the woods have turned into autumn colors.
Read more camera & photography posts>> HERE
いい写真が撮れたらプリントして楽しみたいもの。私がおすすめなのは、家に居ながらにして専門店の高品質な印刷が楽しめるカメラのキタムラ ネットプリントサービス。
【家まで届けてくれる!】カメラのキタムラ ネットプリントサービスを利用してみた
使用機材 | Equipment
Camera:Sony a6000Lens:E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS (Kit lens)
ソニー(SONY) 2013-01-31
wade 動詞(ぬかるみ・雪の中などを)苦労して歩く; (本などを)苦労して読み通す
"Do you remember wading through pages and pages of text to prepare for an exam?" -Peter Pan 試験に備えて教科書をなんとか読み通したのを覚えているかい?