こんなはずでは | Never thought it'd be so difficult

今年1月に始めたGlobal EnglishのTESOL通信講座、苦戦中です。
I've been struggling with the Global English TESOL course, which I started in January of this year. 
TESOL Module2GE151204
This course is divided into four modules, as I have written in the previous post (only in Japanese...as of yet), and I finished the first module in early May, but I haven't finished the second yet.

At first, I was planning to learn teaching methodology and then put it into practice in my actual lessons, but instead I am using my own past experiences to answer the course questions. What have I been studying TESOL for??

何がそんなに難しい? | What makes it so difficult?

現在取り組んでいるModule 2は19問の質問からなり、比較的簡単な13問は出来ました。ただ残る6問の内、Q13とQ19が本当に難しいです。Q13は過去形をテーマにした、1時間の中級者向けのレッスンプランを、Q19は同じく1時間の中級者向け、ライティング中心のレッスンプランをそれぞれ立てる問題です。最初のEngagement Activity(いわゆるウォームアップ)に始まり、Pre-teaching(レッスンで取り上げるテーマを本題に入る前に説明)、Study Stage(テーマに沿って新しい語彙表現などを学ぶ)、Practice Stage(Study Stageで学んだ事の応用練習)、そしてWarm Down(まとめと質問など)を全て通しのレッスンプランを作らなければなりません。
Module 2, which I am currently working on, consists of nineteen questions, thirteen of which were relatively easy. Of the six questions I have left, question 13 and 19 are particularly difficult. On Q13, you need to make a plan for a one-hour lesson with intermediate students aiming for the past tense, and Q19 is about a one-hour, writing-based lesson with intermediate students. One lesson can be divided into five stages: Engagement Activity (aka Warm-Up Activity), Pre-teaching (where students are introduced to difficult expressions that they will study), Study Stage (they learn new phrases and vocabulary), Practice Stage (they think about what they have learned in the Study Stage) and finally Warm Down (they ask questions and the teacher concludes the lesson). Q13 and Q19 ask you to make lesson plans that include all the five stages.

さらに細かい条件として、1. 視覚的に面白い事(Visually stimulating) 2. 1~2分程度の短いものである事 があります。
Another challenging question is Q17. You need to find a video on the Internet for an intermediate business English class and explain how you would use it in your lesson. 
You're explicitly instructed that the video should be 1.) visually stimulating and 2.) relatively short, one to two minutes. 

それから、その動画をレッスンのどの段階で使うか(Engagement Activity, Study Stage or Practice Stage)をしっかり想定したうえでどんなレッスンにするのか250ワードで答えなければなりません。
You also need to think of which stage you would use it in (Engagement Activity, Study Stage or Practice Stage) and answer within 250 words. 

とにかくやらねば | I'll just keep trying

I haven't as of yet had a lesson with a business person, so I'll have to use my imagination to answer this question. It's definitely rewarding because if I come up with a good plan, I'll be able to give a good lesson. I'll keep trying.  
