I cleaned and polished my leather shoes, which I bought at ABC Mart.

*当記事は広告リンクを含みます|This article inculdes ad links.
I have been wearing them without any proper maintenance since I got them in May. After wearing them in rain, I would just wipe them dry, and that's all I did. More and more creases seem to appear when I bend the shoes and they linger for a longer period of time than before. That's why I decided to clean them.
I have taken care of leather shoes before, yet those are either a fake leather pair or a 2980-yen casual one. But this time, it's a super expensive one (for me anyway) that's over ten thousand yen. In addition, this pair is waterproof, which made me wonder if it's okay to clean it in the same way as other leather shoes.
Because of this, I searched for useful info about how to maintain these shoes, but I didn't find what I needed. So I decided to do it in my own way.
Shoe care involves certain products such as a brush to dust it off, cleaner to remove dirt, cream to nurture the leather and waterproof spray to finish up. I didn't buy anything but a brush.

I learned that a bore bristle brush is suitable for dusting, so I got one at a shoe store the other day. Since "a bore bristle brush" sounded to me like a tool for professionals, I assumed it'd cost a lot but it turned out that it was only 400 yen.

Photo: Pinoko
I took the laces off my shoes and brushed off the dust and dirt.
"It's clean enough. You don't need cleaner or cream." My inner voice enticed me to stop there, but I forced myself to go further.
Photo: Pinoko
My biggest concern was, of course, that the cleaner may cause a stain or discoloration. So I tried applying a tiny portion (about the size of five grains of rice) of the cleaner to a heel and then・・・
Photo: Pinoko
Some of the color came off.
The cleaner may not have been the sole reason for it because the color also faded a little when I tried rubbing the skin with a dry cloth. However, it was the first time I had cleaned them, and the shoes didn't seem really dirty, so I skipped that part. I'll try a not so strong cleaner next time.
Photo: Pinoko
The cream seemed to go well with the shoes.
I pushed the mouth of the bottle, spread the cream in the felt evenly and dabbed it all over the shoes quickly.
Photo: Pinoko
Note: I once applied too much cream and rushed to wipe it away, and the color came off. If you put on too much cream, it'll leave a stain, and if you rush to wipe excess cream away when it's still wet, it'll cause discoloration. It is best to apply cream thinly and evenly (I know from personal experience).
Photo: Pinoko
This picture is a perfect example of too much cream. If you ever attempt to wipe it dry in this state, the color will come off for sure. Too much cream is never good!

Well, actually, it shines uneveny, though you can't see it clearly in the picture.
最後に防水スプレー、といきたいところですが、 クリームで色落ちしないか経過を見るために今回はあえてしませんでした。色落ちがないか確認出来たら、次回、防水スプレーを試してみたいと思います。
It's time to finish up with a waterproof spray! However, I didn't do it this time because I wanted to see if everything would be okay with the cream. I'll try the spray next time after ensuring the cream works fine on the shoes.
It's sad that the picture doesn't adequately reflect how shiny the shoes are in reality. It feels so good to be in a pair of bright, shiny shoes. I'll definitely keep cleaning and polishing them regularly to keep them in good condition.
Photo: Pinoko
おまけ | One more thing
While I was waiting for the leather cream to dry, I cleaned up the 2980-yen pair.

This cleaner is completely safe for these shoes, so polished them with it, and then...

Photo: Pinoko
Applied brown leather cream thinly and evenly.

Finished it up with a waterproof spray.
Photo: Pinoko
This pair looks better in the picture somehow, and it shines like enamel shoes. Even cheap shoes can be kept in good condition and last for a long time if you take care of them properly. It feels awesome!
手入れの続編はこちら>>防水革靴の手入れ その2 | Leather Shoes Maintenance Part.2
Read the next shoe maintenance post>>HERE
Read more leather shoes posts>>HERE
I cleaned and polished my leather shoes, which I bought at ABC Mart.

*当記事は広告リンクを含みます|This article inculdes ad links.
I have been wearing them without any proper maintenance since I got them in May. After wearing them in rain, I would just wipe them dry, and that's all I did. More and more creases seem to appear when I bend the shoes and they linger for a longer period of time than before. That's why I decided to clean them.
I have taken care of leather shoes before, yet those are either a fake leather pair or a 2980-yen casual one. But this time, it's a super expensive one (for me anyway) that's over ten thousand yen. In addition, this pair is waterproof, which made me wonder if it's okay to clean it in the same way as other leather shoes.
![]() | ≪TVCM≫【HAWKINS】 ホーキンス 防水ウォーキングシューズ TR IT LW OX HL82002 F14 RED BROWN/ABCマート楽天市場店 価格:11,880円 |
Because of this, I searched for useful info about how to maintain these shoes, but I didn't find what I needed. So I decided to do it in my own way.
手入れに必要なもの | Maintenance supply
手入れをすると言っても、ホコリ落としのブラシ、汚れ落としのクリーナー、 乾燥を防ぐ保革クリーム、仕上げの防水スプレーなど、色々必要なものがありますが、ブラシ以外は今まで使っていたものをそのまま使うことにしました。Shoe care involves certain products such as a brush to dust it off, cleaner to remove dirt, cream to nurture the leather and waterproof spray to finish up. I didn't buy anything but a brush.

I learned that a bore bristle brush is suitable for dusting, so I got one at a shoe store the other day. Since "a bore bristle brush" sounded to me like a tool for professionals, I assumed it'd cost a lot but it turned out that it was only 400 yen.
![]() | 価格:338円 |

作業開始! | Let's roll!

I took the laces off my shoes and brushed off the dust and dirt.
"It's clean enough. You don't need cleaner or cream." My inner voice enticed me to stop there, but I forced myself to go further.

My biggest concern was, of course, that the cleaner may cause a stain or discoloration. So I tried applying a tiny portion (about the size of five grains of rice) of the cleaner to a heel and then・・・

Some of the color came off.
The cleaner may not have been the sole reason for it because the color also faded a little when I tried rubbing the skin with a dry cloth. However, it was the first time I had cleaned them, and the shoes didn't seem really dirty, so I skipped that part. I'll try a not so strong cleaner next time.
I then applied colorless leather cream without using cleaner.It's a Columbus clear leather cream.
First, I tried it on an inconspicuous area again, the heel.![]() | 価格:618円 |

The cream seemed to go well with the shoes.
I pushed the mouth of the bottle, spread the cream in the felt evenly and dabbed it all over the shoes quickly.

Note: I once applied too much cream and rushed to wipe it away, and the color came off. If you put on too much cream, it'll leave a stain, and if you rush to wipe excess cream away when it's still wet, it'll cause discoloration. It is best to apply cream thinly and evenly (I know from personal experience).

This picture is a perfect example of too much cream. If you ever attempt to wipe it dry in this state, the color will come off for sure. Too much cream is never good!
Having applied the cream all over the shoes, I dried them in front of a fan for about an hour and a half. (The temperature was 71F and humidity was 50 to 55%). I made sure they were completely dry and polished them with a clean, dry cloth. Aaand voila!! Look how shiny they are!!

Well, actually, it shines uneveny, though you can't see it clearly in the picture.
最後に防水スプレー、といきたいところですが、 クリームで色落ちしないか経過を見るために今回はあえてしませんでした。色落ちがないか確認出来たら、次回、防水スプレーを試してみたいと思います。
It's time to finish up with a waterproof spray! However, I didn't do it this time because I wanted to see if everything would be okay with the cream. I'll try the spray next time after ensuring the cream works fine on the shoes.
作業終了! | Done!
写真では微妙な艶が分かりにくいですが、見事にピカピカツヤツヤになりました。やはりきれいな靴を履くのは気持ちがいいです。 これからもしっかり手入れして長く付き合っていきたいです。It's sad that the picture doesn't adequately reflect how shiny the shoes are in reality. It feels so good to be in a pair of bright, shiny shoes. I'll definitely keep cleaning and polishing them regularly to keep them in good condition.

おまけ | One more thing
保革クリームの乾燥待ちの間に2,980円の革靴の手入れもしました。While I was waiting for the leather cream to dry, I cleaned up the 2980-yen pair.

This cleaner is completely safe for these shoes, so polished them with it, and then...

Photo: Pinoko
Applied brown leather cream thinly and evenly.
![]() | 価格:602円 |

Finished it up with a waterproof spray.

This pair looks better in the picture somehow, and it shines like enamel shoes. Even cheap shoes can be kept in good condition and last for a long time if you take care of them properly. It feels awesome!
Read more biligual posts >> HERE
手入れの続編はこちら>>防水革靴の手入れ その2 | Leather Shoes Maintenance Part.2
Read the next shoe maintenance post>>HERE
Read more leather shoes posts>>HERE
parity 名詞 (~との)同等、等価、同格
On one hand, the rising drinking among women is a sign of parity. ( 一方で、女性の飲酒が増えていることは女性(の立場)が同等になったことを示している。