ずっと欲しかった高倍率ズームレンズ、E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)を買いました!
I got a zoom lens that I've wanted since forever, E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)!
そもそも私がa6000を選んだ理由はレーシングカーや野鳥を撮ることだったので、すぐに望遠レンズを買おうと思っていました。今までキットレンズ[E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-6.3 OSS]で頑張っていましたが、画質を上げてトリミングをしても限界があります。しかし、ただ遠くのものを撮れれば良いというわけではなく、家の中で愛猫ソラもよく撮ります。そこで広角から望遠まで自在に撮れる高倍率ズームレンズを買いました。
I chose the a6000 because I wanted to take pictures of racing cars and wild birds, so I had planned to get a telephoto lens soon after. I've been trying to take decent pictures of them with the kit lens by cropping high-resolution pictures. However, I also enjoy taking pictures of my cat, Sora, not just far away things. So I bought a zoom lens that covers a wide range of focal lengths.
For the a6000, I had three lenses from Sony and one from Tamron I could choose from. They are all the same focal-distance lenses.
価格で選べばやはりタムロン製。タムロンの[18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 Di III VC] は安くて軽く、非常に魅力的です。
If your budget is tight, Tamron [18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 Di III VC] would surely appeal to you because it's the cheapest among the four.
それからソニーの純正にも安くて軽い[E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE]があります。
From Sony, [E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE] is also inexpensive.
さらにパワーズームで、動画撮影に便利な[E PZ 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS]もあります。
Sony also offers [E PZ 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS]. This one has power zooming, which I think is beneficial for those who film.
まず[E PZ 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS]は予算オーバーな上、重さも649gと超ヘビー級。動画を撮る予定もないので早々候補から外しました。
First, I left [E PZ 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS] out of my list. It was way beyond my budget, and it weighs as much as 649g (1.43lb). In addition, I have no immediate plans for filming.
次にタムロンの[18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 Di III VC]はAFの速度が純正に比べ若干遅い、さらに描写はやはり純正の方がわずかに良いということをタムロンユーザーから聞いたので、脱落。
Tamron [18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 Di III VC] was the next lens I ruled out of my list. From a Tamron user, I heard that its AF was slower than that of Sony's, and the resolution was okay but not brilliant.
残るは[E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS]と[E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE]です。
That leaves only two more lenses, [E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS] and [E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE].
更に色々と調べていると[E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE]の描写はかなり優秀なものの、a6000の誇るファストハイブリットAFが使えないということが分かりました。それではa6000を買った意味がない!というわけで高速AFを活かすため、必然的に[E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS]となりました。
I was doing further research when I found out that [E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE] wasn't capable of "fast hybrid AF", which is the definite advantage that the a6000 has. What's the point of a6000 without the high-speed AF? So I have to go with the [E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS]!
![SonySEL18200 a6000](https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/backstreetranslator/imgs/c/a/ca544554-s.jpg)
My camera is a Sony a6000.
It has been only ten days since I bought this lens, but let me share the things I have noticed about it so far. I compare it with the kit lens [E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS].
良い点 | Advantages
・倍率 | Long focal length
It may be pretty obvious, but you can get close to the subject at 200mm (effective 300mm). In addition, the a6000 has a "digital zooming" feature, which zooms in a part of the photo by cropping the image and then enlarges the result back to the original size.
At 200mm (effective 300mm), you can get as close as this. The distance from this house, Kobuntei, was approximately 800m (a half mile).
Then you can get even closer if you use digital zoom. You can see the plum blossoms are in bloom in this image. The stabilizer was in effect, so it was easy to take this picture in focus. However, the image quality gets lower.
ズーム倍率についてはこちらの記事にも書きました>>SUPER GT 第3戦 もてぎ観戦 GT300編
I wrote about the zooming in this post>>SUPER GT Rd3 Motegi GT300 Class
・ 意外と明るい | Vibrant images
Although it has the same maximum aperture, f3.5, as that of the kit lens, it seems that you can get more vibrant images through it. Maybe it's because the diameter of the lens is 67mm as opposed to 40.5mm of the kit lens, and that enables the lens to take a lot more light into the camera.
![Durian Start160129](https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/backstreetranslator/imgs/1/b/1b013635-s.jpg)
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 3200
On that day, it was raining and so dark that I had to have the light on to read a newspaper or something.
・何といっても描写が綺麗 | Exceptionally beautiful images
「開放値も同じだし、違うのは倍率だけだろう」 と思っていましたが、全然違いました。描写が細かく、とにかく綺麗。何故か発色も違うような気がします。
I had thought "the focal length would be the only difference with the same maximum aperture", but I couldn't have been more wrong. Sharp details with vibrant colors are what you can get through this lens.
Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 57 mm, Exposure Time: 1/40, ISO: 800
・AFが速い | Crazy fast AF
That's exactly the reason I chose this lens, so the AF should be fast. That said, it's awesome to be able to capture the subject in motion without any lag. It's as fast as the kit lens in my opinion.
Photo by Pamagami
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 178 mm, Exposure Time: 1/1600, ISO: 500
・ズームロックスイッチ | Zoom lock
If you walk with the camera hanging around your neck without the lock, the lens will stick out by about 1cm. Although it never falls out when you're shooting downwards, it's nice to have the lock switch.
・顔検出がより速く | Quicker Face Detect
When I was shooting on a kit lens, face detect didn't work quickly or didn't work at all at times, but this lens enables it to work more quickly and precisely. (It even recognizes a monkey ornament's face.)
・接地部分がプラスチック | A part of the base is made of plastic
Although it may not be a deciding factor when choosing this lens, but I really appreciate the plastic part on the base of the lens. It prevents the lens from scratching the table when you put it down as well as protects the lens itself.
The arrow indicates the plastic part of the base.
気になった点 | Weak points
・分かってはいたけど、やっぱり重い | I knew it but it's still heavy
そのほかに気づいた点 | Other things I have noticed
・絞った時の光線の形が違う | Different shape of light
I found the different shape of sun light at the minimum aperture (f22) from that of kit lens.
こちらがキットレンズ↓ Here's the image with the kit lens.
Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/13, ISO: 1000
こちらがE18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS↓ Here's with the new lens.
Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 125
They weren't taken under the exact same conditions, but I think you can see the difference.
・ズームリングがちょっと重い | Heavy zooming ring
しかし、これは慣れなので、2、3日も使えば全く気にならなくなりました。 下を向けてズームし、上を向けてひっこめれば軽く操作出来ます。
It took only a couple of days until I got used to it, and once I have, it no longer bothered me. You can pull out the lens easily by rotating the ring when you're holding the camera downwards, and pull it back in when you're holding it upwards.
・バッテリーの消費がちょっとはやい | Uses a little more battery
I got a lens protecting filter, Marumi Exus 67mm. I heard that it was dust-free and the colors were natural. I'm not saying that finger prints won't show up on it, but it's definitely easy to wipe it clean. It was ¥4600, but considering it's protecting the lens that's worth ¥70,000, it's actually quite cheap.
The color is neutral, so you would never know it is on your lens.
That's all that I have noticed so far.
I'm going to take a lot of pictures with this lens, and am very looking forward to the moments I can capture.
3年使って色々気付いた点、撮れた写真をまとめたレビュー記事>>快速オートフォーカスの万能ズームレンズ【Sony E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)】使用3年レビュー
Take a look at the photos I took with this lens>>HERE
I got a zoom lens that I've wanted since forever, E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)!
そもそも私がa6000を選んだ理由はレーシングカーや野鳥を撮ることだったので、すぐに望遠レンズを買おうと思っていました。今までキットレンズ[E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-6.3 OSS]で頑張っていましたが、画質を上げてトリミングをしても限界があります。しかし、ただ遠くのものを撮れれば良いというわけではなく、家の中で愛猫ソラもよく撮ります。そこで広角から望遠まで自在に撮れる高倍率ズームレンズを買いました。
I chose the a6000 because I wanted to take pictures of racing cars and wild birds, so I had planned to get a telephoto lens soon after. I've been trying to take decent pictures of them with the kit lens by cropping high-resolution pictures. However, I also enjoy taking pictures of my cat, Sora, not just far away things. So I bought a zoom lens that covers a wide range of focal lengths.
ソニー(SONY) 2010-09-15
E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSSを選んだ理由 | Why I chose this lens
同じ倍率でa6000に使えるレンズはソニー純正3本、タムロン製1本が候補にありました。For the a6000, I had three lenses from Sony and one from Tamron I could choose from. They are all the same focal-distance lenses.
価格で選べばやはりタムロン製。タムロンの[18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 Di III VC] は安くて軽く、非常に魅力的です。
If your budget is tight, Tamron [18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 Di III VC] would surely appeal to you because it's the cheapest among the four.
それからソニーの純正にも安くて軽い[E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE]があります。
From Sony, [E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE] is also inexpensive.
さらにパワーズームで、動画撮影に便利な[E PZ 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS]もあります。
Sony also offers [E PZ 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS]. This one has power zooming, which I think is beneficial for those who film.
まず[E PZ 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS]は予算オーバーな上、重さも649gと超ヘビー級。動画を撮る予定もないので早々候補から外しました。
First, I left [E PZ 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS] out of my list. It was way beyond my budget, and it weighs as much as 649g (1.43lb). In addition, I have no immediate plans for filming.
次にタムロンの[18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 Di III VC]はAFの速度が純正に比べ若干遅い、さらに描写はやはり純正の方がわずかに良いということをタムロンユーザーから聞いたので、脱落。
Tamron [18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 Di III VC] was the next lens I ruled out of my list. From a Tamron user, I heard that its AF was slower than that of Sony's, and the resolution was okay but not brilliant.
残るは[E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS]と[E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE]です。
That leaves only two more lenses, [E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS] and [E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE].
更に色々と調べていると[E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE]の描写はかなり優秀なものの、a6000の誇るファストハイブリットAFが使えないということが分かりました。それではa6000を買った意味がない!というわけで高速AFを活かすため、必然的に[E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS]となりました。
I was doing further research when I found out that [E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS LE] wasn't capable of "fast hybrid AF", which is the definite advantage that the a6000 has. What's the point of a6000 without the high-speed AF? So I have to go with the [E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS]!
![SonySEL18200 a6000](https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/backstreetranslator/imgs/c/a/ca544554-s.jpg)
My camera is a Sony a6000.
使ってみた感想 | Impression
買ってからまだ10日ですが、使ってみて初めて気づいた点をまとめてみます。比較対象はキットレンズ[E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS]です。It has been only ten days since I bought this lens, but let me share the things I have noticed about it so far. I compare it with the kit lens [E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS].
良い点 | Advantages
・倍率 | Long focal length
It may be pretty obvious, but you can get close to the subject at 200mm (effective 300mm). In addition, the a6000 has a "digital zooming" feature, which zooms in a part of the photo by cropping the image and then enlarges the result back to the original size.
At 200mm (effective 300mm), you can get as close as this. The distance from this house, Kobuntei, was approximately 800m (a half mile).
Then you can get even closer if you use digital zoom. You can see the plum blossoms are in bloom in this image. The stabilizer was in effect, so it was easy to take this picture in focus. However, the image quality gets lower.
ズーム倍率についてはこちらの記事にも書きました>>SUPER GT 第3戦 もてぎ観戦 GT300編
I wrote about the zooming in this post>>SUPER GT Rd3 Motegi GT300 Class
・ 意外と明るい | Vibrant images
Although it has the same maximum aperture, f3.5, as that of the kit lens, it seems that you can get more vibrant images through it. Maybe it's because the diameter of the lens is 67mm as opposed to 40.5mm of the kit lens, and that enables the lens to take a lot more light into the camera.
![Durian Start160129](https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/backstreetranslator/imgs/1/b/1b013635-s.jpg)
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 3200
On that day, it was raining and so dark that I had to have the light on to read a newspaper or something.
・何といっても描写が綺麗 | Exceptionally beautiful images
「開放値も同じだし、違うのは倍率だけだろう」 と思っていましたが、全然違いました。描写が細かく、とにかく綺麗。何故か発色も違うような気がします。
I had thought "the focal length would be the only difference with the same maximum aperture", but I couldn't have been more wrong. Sharp details with vibrant colors are what you can get through this lens.
Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 57 mm, Exposure Time: 1/40, ISO: 800
・AFが速い | Crazy fast AF
That's exactly the reason I chose this lens, so the AF should be fast. That said, it's awesome to be able to capture the subject in motion without any lag. It's as fast as the kit lens in my opinion.
Photo by Pamagami
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 178 mm, Exposure Time: 1/1600, ISO: 500
・ズームロックスイッチ | Zoom lock
If you walk with the camera hanging around your neck without the lock, the lens will stick out by about 1cm. Although it never falls out when you're shooting downwards, it's nice to have the lock switch.
・顔検出がより速く | Quicker Face Detect
When I was shooting on a kit lens, face detect didn't work quickly or didn't work at all at times, but this lens enables it to work more quickly and precisely. (It even recognizes a monkey ornament's face.)
・接地部分がプラスチック | A part of the base is made of plastic
Although it may not be a deciding factor when choosing this lens, but I really appreciate the plastic part on the base of the lens. It prevents the lens from scratching the table when you put it down as well as protects the lens itself.
The arrow indicates the plastic part of the base.
気になった点 | Weak points
・分かってはいたけど、やっぱり重い | I knew it but it's still heavy
It's obvious, but 524g (1.56lb) is really heavy. If you like the a6000 because it's light, the weight would definitely be a significant disadvantage. The strap that came with the camera seems no longer strong enough, so I'm planning on buying a new one.
The lens is much heavier than the camera itself (344g≒0.76lb) and the weight isn't balanced very well, so I'm a little concerned that they might fall if I put them on a tripod (I haven't tried yet).
そのほかに気づいた点 | Other things I have noticed
・絞った時の光線の形が違う | Different shape of light
I found the different shape of sun light at the minimum aperture (f22) from that of kit lens.
こちらがキットレンズ↓ Here's the image with the kit lens.
Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 16mm, Exposure Time: 1/13, ISO: 1000
こちらがE18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS↓ Here's with the new lens.
Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 125
They weren't taken under the exact same conditions, but I think you can see the difference.
・ズームリングがちょっと重い | Heavy zooming ring
しかし、これは慣れなので、2、3日も使えば全く気にならなくなりました。 下を向けてズームし、上を向けてひっこめれば軽く操作出来ます。
It took only a couple of days until I got used to it, and once I have, it no longer bothered me. You can pull out the lens easily by rotating the ring when you're holding the camera downwards, and pull it back in when you're holding it upwards.
・バッテリーの消費がちょっとはやい | Uses a little more battery
Just the other day, I went out for a walk and took pictures for about three hours. I took about 500 pictures in 12M pixels in JPEG (without flash), and I had 5% of the power left (I'm not sure the exact percentage because the a6000 never tells when the power gets under 15%).
Two years ago, I took about 1200 pictures at Super GT, Motegi, in 12M pixels in JPEG (no flash), but 18% was left. So the lens consumes more power than the kit lens. With that being said, it's not bad at all, considering the size of the lens.
保護フィルター | Lens protecting filter
マルミのExus 67mmをつけました。汚れが付きにくく、写りも自然という評判通り、使いやすいです。指紋が付かないとまでは言いませんが、ついても拭けばすぐに落ちるので掃除は楽です。税込みで4,600円くらいしましたが、これで7万円以上もするレンズが保護出来るなら安いものです。I got a lens protecting filter, Marumi Exus 67mm. I heard that it was dust-free and the colors were natural. I'm not saying that finger prints won't show up on it, but it's definitely easy to wipe it clean. It was ¥4600, but considering it's protecting the lens that's worth ¥70,000, it's actually quite cheap.
The color is neutral, so you would never know it is on your lens.
マルミ 2013-04-20
That's all that I have noticed so far.
I'm going to take a lot of pictures with this lens, and am very looking forward to the moments I can capture.
3年使って色々気付いた点、撮れた写真をまとめたレビュー記事>>快速オートフォーカスの万能ズームレンズ【Sony E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)】使用3年レビュー
Take a look at the photos I took with this lens>>HERE