Having finished Module2 that I have worked on since last May, I'm finally half way through the TESOL course.

I had meant to finish this course in one year, but it took 13 months just to finish half of it.  I never thought it would take this long. You never know how difficult things are until you try.

ちなみに私が取り組んでいる通信のTESOL講座はイギリスのTESOL専門学校"Global English"の"180 HOUR LEVEL 4 TESOL WITH ONE-TO-ONE"です。
My corresponding TESOL course is "180 HOUR LEVEL 4 TESOL WITH ONE-TO-ONE" provided by "Global English", a TESOL school based in the UK.

私の受講したコースは現在 "150 HOUR TESOL PREMIER PLUS" に名前を変え提供されています。


添削を終えて | Assignment's back

I turned in the assignment on the 8th, and the corrected assignment came back by the time I checked my mailbox in the morning of the 9th. What a quick job as always! 

The score I got was....
80%(B⁺)! (139 out of 173)

For the record, I got 81%(B⁺)(122 out of 151) on Module 1. I'm kind of disappointed at this score because I expected it to be a little better. However, 80% is not bad at all, considering that this course is designed for native English speakers as well. 

I got perfect scores on nine out of 18 questions (excluding the self-assessed Q5). And I got almost 90% on most of the other questions. 

さらに、英語の運用能力を表す"Use of English"は前回と同じく10点中9点でした。英語力には全く問題が無いということなので、嬉しいです。
In addition, I scored nine out of ten on the "Use of English" section, which is an assessment of my proficiency in English (same score as Module 1). I'm happy with it because it proves that I have no problem with my English writing.

反省点 | Things that I messed up

問題はQ13, 17, 19の3問。この3問は98点中、たったの72点(73%)しか取れず、成績を大きく下げる結果となってしまいました。
On the other hand, I got very low scores on Q13, 17 and 19. I only scored 72 out of 98 (73%). Those questions lowered the overall score drastically.

どんな内容かと言いますと、Study Booklet(教科書)から引用します。
Most of all, Q17 was awfully tricky in many ways.
Let me quote the instructions from the Study Booklet below. 

Question 17
In our next question, we are going to ask you to find some online video material which you could use with your intermediate level student as an introduction to a business English class.

As you can see in the above, it is about a lesson plan to teach an intermediate business person with an online video. I should have designed it for a one-to-one class, but I made it for a group of intermediate learners because there is no specific word as “one-to-one” in the instruction.

ヒントは文中にある"your intermediate level student"。"student"が単数になっていることに気が付きましたか?
Did you notice that the instruction says “your intermediate level student”? Look at the “student” ―it’s singular. That is the key I shouldn’t have missed.

So, I got a miserable score: two out of eight as a result of making a group lesson plan. This question is in the one-to-one teaching section, but I wished they had made it more obvious that it was for one-to-one.  

難しかった点 | Obstacles

このStudy Bookletには誤字脱字がところどころにあり、注意して読まないと混乱することが多々ありました。例えば"rather than"が"rather that"になっていたり、"the most"が"be most"になっていたりといった具合です。(まさかTESOL学習者がこの間違いに気づけるかどうかクイズをしていた?!)
There are a certain number of incorrect omissions and errors in the Study Booklet, so I got confused when I didn’t read it very, very carefully. For instance, I found “rather that” where it was supposed to be “rather than” and “be most”, which was obviously a typo for “the most”. (Did the author by any chance try to test our comprehension by including a bunch of incorrect sentences?!)

このQ17もStudy Bookletには文字数制限が200ワードとあったのに、Answer Bookletには250ワードとあって、そこに少し気を取られました。
Furthermore, the word limit for Q17 was 200 in the Study Booklet, whereas it was 250 in the Answer Booklet. That was a bit disturbing.

さらにStudy BookletのQuestion18のあるべきところがQuestion17となっていて、レッスンプランを考える以外のところで色々と注意しないといけない点が多かったです。Q18とQ17は同時に進めていたので、余計に疲れました。
Also, one question number was placed in the wrong place. It read Question 17 which should have been Question 18 instead. There were things that I had to pay attention to aside from the instructions, and I found it really tiring especially because I was working on Q18 and Q17 simultaneously.

That being said, it's no use complaining about the Study Booklet; I’ll keep Q17 in mind as a lesson and pay more attention to singulars and plurals.

改善点 | Things I have to improve

あと前回の課題でも指摘されていたのですが、私は生徒のレベルを高めに設定する癖があるらしいです。Beginnerには"did"を"was / were"を一度に教えてはいけないとか、Elementaryに過去形と過去分詞形混ぜて教えちゃいけないとか、今回の課題でもそのようなことを指摘されました。
As my tutor pointed out in the previous assignment, I tend to overestimate my students’ levels. You can’t teach “did” and “was / were” all at once for beginners and you can’t bring up past simple and past participle in one lesson for elementary learners etc. She indicated the same points in this assignment again.

As a matter of fact, I have a tendency to do this at times in my actual lessons. So I’ll have to try to better ascertain what is difficult and what is easy for them.

まとめ | Conclusion

Lessons that I learned from Module 2 and conclusion:

1. 設問は今まで以上に注意して読む。| Read instructions more carefully than ever. 
2. 生徒のレベル設定にもう少し気を付ける。| Pay more attention to students’ levels.

以上の二点に気を付けて、Module 3に取り組みたいと思います。
Keeping these two points in mind, I’ll start Module 3. 
I’ll keep working hard.

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