パソコンのバッテリーが燃える?!| Burning laptop battery?!
富士通のノートパソコン、FMV Lifebookのバッテリーパックが発火の恐れありで無償交換を実施しているのをご存知ですか?私はLifebook AH53M(Windows 8.1)を2014年3月から使っています。(消費税増税直前に買いました)
Did you know that Fujitsu has issued a recall for their laptop, the FMV Lifebook series? They announced that some of the Lifebooks' batteries can cause overheating and melting.
I have been using a Lifebook AH53M (Windows 8.1) since March 2014. (I bought it right before the tax hike.)
I did a little research and found that Fujitsu has distributed an app for you to check if your laptop's battery is one of the recalled products. So let's see how it goes.
ツールの使い方 | How to use the app
「富士通FMVの公式ホームページ」>「FMVサポート」>「 ノートパソコン用バッテリパックの交換・回収について (個人のお客様)」のように進むとリコール対象を調べるページに行けます↓https://azby.fmworld.net/support/info/battery2015/?supfrom=top_noticetxtbnr
I went to the official Fujitsu FMV web page, "富士通FMVの公式ホームページ" and then clicked on "FMV サポート" or FMV Support. And I clicked on "ノートパソコン用バッテリパックの交換・回収について (個人のお客様)" or Battery Replacement Instructions (for private users).
You can go to the page by clicking the link below↓
You can check to see if your battery is on the list by going to this page, but I wanted to make 100% sure about it so I went further to get the app.
「ノートパソコン用バッテリパックの交換・回収について (個人のお客様)」のページの真ん中あたりにチェックツールのダウンロードボタンがあります。
I was scrolling down the page "ノートパソコン用バッテリパックの交換・回収について (個人のお客様)" or Battery Replacement Instructions (for private users) and found the green button to the download page.
I clicked the "チェックツールで確認する" or Check with the Check Tool.
And then, the download page popped up at the bottom of the page.
青字になっている「FUJITSU Battery Check Tool」をクリックするとダウンロード開始です。数秒で完了です。
I clicked on "FUJITSU Battery Check Tool" in blue, and waited for a few seconds while it downloaded.
Unless you have changed your computer settings, the file will appear in your "Downloads" folder.
If you click the file that looks like it, your laptop will automatically check if its battery is part of the recall.
さて我がバッテリーの運命やいかに!| How did it go?
It says mine is not part of the recall!
I really appreciate the fact that such a tool is available.
I'm definitely not good with numbers, so it would have been a huge pain if I'd had to check with a list that's full of numbers.
Anyway, I'm happy to know that mine is not part of the recall at the moment!
ちなみに・・・| If your battery is part of the recall...
もしリコール対象だった場合にはこのような画面が出るそうです↓If your battery is part of the recall, a notification like this will pop up↓
If you get a notification like this, call the instructed number or click the provided link, and you can get your battery replaced. You need to get your battery replaced ASAP!
パソコン雑記 | Side note
さて話は少しそれますが、私のパソコン、2月14日から点検に出しておりました。少し負荷のかかる動作時(スカイプやバックグランドスキャンなど)にファンがうるさくなったのと、マウスパッドの誤作動などがあり診てもらいました。24日にも及ぶ点検の末、「異常なし」で戻ってきました。Speaking of laptops, my laptop was in the shop for a check-up for almost a month. I had it checked because the cooling fan got so noisy when I used Skype or an anti-virus scan was running in the background and the mouse pad didn't work at times. They checked for malfunctions, and they didn't find anything wrong.
It was sooo inconvenient without my laptop.
My father was kind enough to let me use his desktop for my work, but I just couldn't keep apps logged in on the shared desktop. In addition, I had to carry the desktop which is about 8kg(≒17lb) from the living room to my room upstairs every time I had lessons. It was a bit of a workout.
The laptop-deprived period was a perfect time for me to think of ways to work without my own laptop, backup data for an emergency and so on.
I need to develop my computer skills because I will continue to work online and want to take advantage of the Internet even more.
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