Since I got my new lens, I have been waiting for this moment; I finally got to take pictures of a Japanese tit.

Aperture: ƒ/20, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 320

Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/640, ISO: 100
Although the Japanese tit is a very common bird here, I haven't been able to capture it because it would fly away the second I turned my camera to it.

Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/500, ISO: 100
You can tell that it is a male bird, judging from the vertical black line.
I tried filming as well!
I refer to this field guide "名前がわかる野鳥大図鑑" or The Field Guide That Helps You Identify Wild Birds. (I borrow my mother's.)
The colors and contrast in the pictures are natural, so it definitely makes it easy for an amature like me to identify birds.
And I like it that the captions are very informative and concise. Also, I find it very handy that the birds' names are written in English as well.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/1000, ISO: 1600
According to the field guide, the Japanese tit prefer to eat high-calorie food such as seeds, fruits and insects.
食事中の写真も撮れました。気持ち悪いと感じる方もいるかと思い、写真は小さめに掲載。大きくして見たい方は写真をクリック(or タップ)。
I was lucky enough to take pictures of it having a meal. I put up a small picture of it because he was eating what you might find gross. If you would like to get a better view, click or tap the picture.
I didn't know that Japanese tits had been cleaning my yard. I am really grateful for that.
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Lens:E 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)
Since I got my new lens, I have been waiting for this moment; I finally got to take pictures of a Japanese tit.

Aperture: ƒ/20, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 320

Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/640, ISO: 100
Although the Japanese tit is a very common bird here, I haven't been able to capture it because it would fly away the second I turned my camera to it.

Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/500, ISO: 100
You can tell that it is a male bird, judging from the vertical black line.
I tried filming as well!
I refer to this field guide "名前がわかる野鳥大図鑑" or The Field Guide That Helps You Identify Wild Birds. (I borrow my mother's.)
The colors and contrast in the pictures are natural, so it definitely makes it easy for an amature like me to identify birds.
And I like it that the captions are very informative and concise. Also, I find it very handy that the birds' names are written in English as well.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/1000, ISO: 1600
According to the field guide, the Japanese tit prefer to eat high-calorie food such as seeds, fruits and insects.
食事中の写真も撮れました。気持ち悪いと感じる方もいるかと思い、写真は小さめに掲載。大きくして見たい方は写真をクリック(or タップ)。
I was lucky enough to take pictures of it having a meal. I put up a small picture of it because he was eating what you might find gross. If you would like to get a better view, click or tap the picture.
I didn't know that Japanese tits had been cleaning my yard. I am really grateful for that.
Read More Bilingual Posts>>HERE
使用機材 | Equipment
Camera:Sony a6000Lens:E 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)
ソニー(SONY) 2010-09-15
exhort 他動詞 (理性に訴えて)<事を>促す; 熱心に勧める[説く]
“President Barack Obama made a bold intervention into the politics of Washington’s closest ally on Friday, exhorting Britons to stay in the EU and warning that if they left they would be at “the back of the queue” for a U.S. trade deal.” The Japan News April 24, 2016