My mirrorless camera Sony a6000 broke, and has been repaired! I bought this camera in June, 2014, and have taken more than 30,000 pictures with it. I was taking pictures right before it stopped functioning, so I was surprised.
It could happen to your a6000 as well, so I would like to share what happened to mine.
On that day, I took a few pictures of pizza with my a6000 and put it away. A few hours later, I knew something was wrong when I turned it on because it beeped, which tells you the subject is in focus. It seemed that the shutter button was locked half way.
You could still take a picture if you pressed the shutter all the way down, but everything else stopped working.
Actually, this problem occurred for the first time in February of this year and one another time afterward, but I fixed it by pushing the bettery in and out and rebooting the camera. However, nothing seemed to work this time, so I figured that I would not be able to fix it.
To my surprise, the repair was done in only a week, and I rushed to Yamada-denki to get my camera back right after I got a call from them.
On my way home, I drove along the river and took a few pictures. I never really thought that one week could be so long, and that I would be so happy just to take pictures with my a6000.
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/500, ISO: 125
Aperture: ƒ/11, Focal Length: 54 mm, Exposure Time: 1/160, ISO: 400
Irrigation ditch in the summer.
Aperture: ƒ/5.0, Focal Length: 50 mm, Exposure Time: 1/1250, ISO: 125
Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 22 mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 2500
I take pictures for fun, but it was really, really frustrating that I couldn't take pictures when I wanted to. Now that I have my camera back, I'll enjoy taking pictures even more!
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My mirrorless camera Sony a6000 broke, and has been repaired! I bought this camera in June, 2014, and have taken more than 30,000 pictures with it. I was taking pictures right before it stopped functioning, so I was surprised.
It could happen to your a6000 as well, so I would like to share what happened to mine.
症状 | What happened?
その日はピザの写真を何枚か撮り、それからいつも通り電源を切って、コタツ机の上に置いておきました。そして何時間か後に、使おうとして電源を入れると、"ピピッ"と合焦の音がしました。操作音は普段切ってあるのでおかしいと思い、画面を見ると中央にピントが合っているという表示が。シャッターボタンを半押ししていないのに半押しした状態になっていたのです。On that day, I took a few pictures of pizza with my a6000 and put it away. A few hours later, I knew something was wrong when I turned it on because it beeped, which tells you the subject is in focus. It seemed that the shutter button was locked half way.
You could still take a picture if you pressed the shutter all the way down, but everything else stopped working.
Actually, this problem occurred for the first time in February of this year and one another time afterward, but I fixed it by pushing the bettery in and out and rebooting the camera. However, nothing seemed to work this time, so I figured that I would not be able to fix it.
The next day, I took my camera in to Yamada-denki, where I bought the camera from, to get it repaired. The store clerk said that it might take two weeks until I get my camera back because of the obon holiday season. I was not happy about it, but I could do nothing about it, so I decided to be very patient and wait.
修理完了! | Repaired!
予想に反して、一週間でヤマダ電機から修理完了の連絡があり、その日のうちに受け取りに行きました。To my surprise, the repair was done in only a week, and I rushed to Yamada-denki to get my camera back right after I got a call from them.
According to the sales slip, they replaced a "release switch" with a new one. Whatever that switch is, I'm glad that I can use my camera again. Fortunately, I paid about 3000 yen for a five-year warranty when I bought the camera, so I did not have to pay anything for this repair. Well done to myself two years ago!
On my way home, I drove along the river and took a few pictures. I never really thought that one week could be so long, and that I would be so happy just to take pictures with my a6000.
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/500, ISO: 125
A great egret was hunting in a paddy field. Common Japanese scenery.
Aperture: ƒ/11, Focal Length: 54 mm, Exposure Time: 1/160, ISO: 400
Irrigation ditch in the summer.
Aperture: ƒ/5.0, Focal Length: 50 mm, Exposure Time: 1/1250, ISO: 125
I don't know what this flower is called, but I found it beautiful.
Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 22 mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 2500
I took this picture right before my camera broke. Domino's pizza. I like this picture.
I take pictures for fun, but it was really, really frustrating that I couldn't take pictures when I wanted to. Now that I have my camera back, I'll enjoy taking pictures even more!
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使用機材 | Equipment
Camera:Sony a6000