行ってきました、SUPER GT 第3戦 もてぎ!
I got to go to Motegi for SUPER GT Round 3!
It may have been because it was Saturday, but it was the least crowded race weekend I have ever been to, which made me a little sad as a fan, but it was easier for me to watch the race.
今年の1月に買ったSony純正のE18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS(SEL18200)を装着し、準備万端!
I attatched a lens I bought in January (E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS[SEL18200]) to my Sony a6000, and I was all set!
Read the review of the lens >>HERE
I turned the mode dial to M (Manual Exposure), set the focus mode to AF-C (Continuous AF), and narrowed the focusing area to the center, which helps the camera put your object in focus quickly.
I walked to the G Stand while a safety car was out on the track due to an accident that occurred on the third lap.
Since I really wanted to use the maximum zoom on the lens, I missed many cars out of the frame.
Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/640, ISO: 640
連写して撮れたのが、このKeihin NSX Concept-GT。レンズが新しくなり、映りが素晴らしい。
I did a continuous shooting when I got this lucky shot. It's Keihin NSX Concept-GT. I love the details that I got with my new lens.
Apertureは「絞り」、Focal Lengthは「焦点距離」、Exposure Timeは「シャッタースピード」のことです。a6000のセンサーサイズはAPS-Cなので、35mm版換算の焦点距離を求めるには表示の焦点距離に1.5を掛ければOKです。Croppedは「トリミングあり」です。
The green flag unleashed the monster machines, but I thought it would be easy to take good pictures there because they slow down drastically at the 90-Degree Corner.
Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 62mm, Exposure Time: 1/1600, ISO: 1600, Cropped
S Road Craftsports GT-RとEpson NSX Concept-GTのブレーキング勝負。減速してるとは言え、速いシャッタースピードでさらに引いて撮りました。まだまだスピードに目が慣れず。
S Road Craftsports GT-R and Epson NSX Concept-GT competing with each other. I had to pull in my lens a little because the cars were diving into the corner really fast, even though they were on heavy brakes.
Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 98mm, Exposure Time: 1/1250, ISO: 1250, Cropped
このあたりから、少し引いて撮ることを覚えました。ZENT CERMO RC F No.38.
Zooming is not what it's all about. I started to learn that at this stage of the race.
Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 98mm, Exposure Time: 1/1250, ISO: 1000, Cropped
でもシャッタースピードは速いままです。1/1000より遅くで撮ったものはほとんどボケてました。 ARTA NSX Concept-GT.
At a high shutter speed. I produced so many blurry pictures when I set the shutter speed at 1/1000 of a second or slower before I got used to it more.
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 137mm, Exposure Time: 1/2000, ISO: 500, Cropped
レース開始から50分位したら完全に晴れて、シャッタースピードを上げてもISO感度は比較的低いままで撮れました。au TOM'S RC F.
About fifty minutes into the race, the sun came out, and I was able to take pictures at a low ISO at a short exposure time.
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/2500, ISO: 640, Cropped
今年のチャンピオンマシン、Denso Kobelco SARD RC F!
This year's champions of GT500, Denso Kobelco SARD RC F!
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/2000, ISO: 500, Cropped
RABRIG NSX Concept-GTとWeds Sport RC Fの4番手争い。う~む、カッコいい。
RABRIG NSX Concept-GT and Weds Sport RC F competing for the forth position. I love this picture.
Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 123mm, Exposure Time: 1/250, ISO: 640, Cropped
Calsonic IMPUL GT-R. 今回2,500枚弱撮影した中でバックファイヤが映っていたのはこの1枚。
Out of almost 2,500 pictures, this image is the only one that captured a car with a backfire.
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/1600, ISO: 400, Cropped
残念ながらリタイアしてしまった Keeper TOM'S RC F。
Keeper TOM'S RC F. They ended up having to quit the race.
Aperture: ƒ/11, Focal Length: 90 mm, Exposure Time: 1/500, ISO: 500, Cropped
Motul Autech GT-R. 惜しくもタイトルの座を守れなかった1号車。ふふふ。
Motul Autech GT-R. They had to relinquish the title this year. Hehehe.
Aperture: ƒ/9, Focal Length: 172mm, Exposure Time: 1/640, ISO: 400, Cropped
シャッタースピードはまだ手探りでしたが、大分慣れてきました。S Road Craftsports GT-R.
I was getting used to the speed of the cars, though I wasn't really sure if I was shooting at the right shutter speed.
Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 131mm, Exposure Time: 1/400, ISO: 320, Cropped
レースも後半戦。ここまでくると大分慣れ、流し撮りに挑戦。Wako's 4CR RC F
In the second half of the race, I started trying slow shutter panning.
When I was looking at the Super GT photos on my laptop, I found a huge difference in quality of the images at different ISO numbers. With two pictures of Forum Engineering GT-R, taken at different ISO numbers, I will show you how much a higher ISO number influences the details of the image.
Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 98mm, Exposure Time: 1/2500, ISO: 1600, Cropped
Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 90mm, Exposure Time: 1/1250, ISO: 320, Cropped
I took these photos at the same place with almost the same focal length. I took the first one at 1/2500 of a second and consequently the ISO number went up to 1600 (the maximum ISO that I set.) On the other hand, I was able to take the second one at the ISO 320 because of the slower shutter speed, and because the sun came out.
I think the first one is still clear and beautiful, but the pictures taken at the ISO 800 or above looked a bit grainy or noisy in detail. I initially thought it was because the object was slightly out of focus, but the high ISO is one of the reasons it is a low quality image in my opinion.
Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 162mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 160, Cropped
ウイニングランの様子。Wako's 4CR RC Fとau TOM'S RC F。
On the cool-down lap.
I did not walk around during the race this time, so I ended up taking almost 2,500 pictures.
I had studied good composure, proper shutter speed and aperture settings by looking at many pictures on flickr, however, I forgot all of them when I saw the racing cars flying in front of me. I just enjoyed capturing all the beautiful cars on my camera.
With the new lens, I found something new every time I pressed the shutter button. I had a great time.
That's all for now. I have showed you my pictures of GT500 cars.
Lens:E 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)
I got to go to Motegi for SUPER GT Round 3!
11月12日、栃木県茂木町にあるツインリンクもてぎで開催された、SUPER GT 第3戦を観に行ってきました!
I went to Twin-ring Motegi in Tochigi prefecture, to watch the Super GT Round 3 on November 12!
It may have been because it was Saturday, but it was the least crowded race weekend I have ever been to, which made me a little sad as a fan, but it was easier for me to watch the race.
今年の1月に買ったSony純正のE18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS(SEL18200)を装着し、準備万端!
I attatched a lens I bought in January (E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS[SEL18200]) to my Sony a6000, and I was all set!
Read the review of the lens >>HERE
I turned the mode dial to M (Manual Exposure), set the focus mode to AF-C (Continuous AF), and narrowed the focusing area to the center, which helps the camera put your object in focus quickly.
レース開始! | Green Flag!
最初の3周はビクトリーコーナー前から観戦。Super GT観戦は、今回で2年ぶり5回目。 久しぶりの観戦だったので、そのスピードと迫力に圧倒されっぱなしでした。
I enjoyed the first three laps of the race in front of the Victory Corner. I had watched Super GT four times before, but I was overwhelmed by the speed and the deafening exhaust notes.
I walked to the G Stand while a safety car was out on the track due to an accident that occurred on the third lap.
Since I really wanted to use the maximum zoom on the lens, I missed many cars out of the frame.
Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/640, ISO: 640
連写して撮れたのが、このKeihin NSX Concept-GT。レンズが新しくなり、映りが素晴らしい。
I did a continuous shooting when I got this lucky shot. It's Keihin NSX Concept-GT. I love the details that I got with my new lens.
Apertureは「絞り」、Focal Lengthは「焦点距離」、Exposure Timeは「シャッタースピード」のことです。a6000のセンサーサイズはAPS-Cなので、35mm版換算の焦点距離を求めるには表示の焦点距離に1.5を掛ければOKです。Croppedは「トリミングあり」です。
The green flag unleashed the monster machines, but I thought it would be easy to take good pictures there because they slow down drastically at the 90-Degree Corner.
Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 62mm, Exposure Time: 1/1600, ISO: 1600, Cropped
S Road Craftsports GT-RとEpson NSX Concept-GTのブレーキング勝負。減速してるとは言え、速いシャッタースピードでさらに引いて撮りました。まだまだスピードに目が慣れず。
S Road Craftsports GT-R and Epson NSX Concept-GT competing with each other. I had to pull in my lens a little because the cars were diving into the corner really fast, even though they were on heavy brakes.
Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 98mm, Exposure Time: 1/1250, ISO: 1250, Cropped
このあたりから、少し引いて撮ることを覚えました。ZENT CERMO RC F No.38.
Zooming is not what it's all about. I started to learn that at this stage of the race.
Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 98mm, Exposure Time: 1/1250, ISO: 1000, Cropped
でもシャッタースピードは速いままです。1/1000より遅くで撮ったものはほとんどボケてました。 ARTA NSX Concept-GT.
At a high shutter speed. I produced so many blurry pictures when I set the shutter speed at 1/1000 of a second or slower before I got used to it more.
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 137mm, Exposure Time: 1/2000, ISO: 500, Cropped
レース開始から50分位したら完全に晴れて、シャッタースピードを上げてもISO感度は比較的低いままで撮れました。au TOM'S RC F.
About fifty minutes into the race, the sun came out, and I was able to take pictures at a low ISO at a short exposure time.
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/2500, ISO: 640, Cropped
今年のチャンピオンマシン、Denso Kobelco SARD RC F!
This year's champions of GT500, Denso Kobelco SARD RC F!
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/2000, ISO: 500, Cropped
RABRIG NSX Concept-GTとWeds Sport RC Fの4番手争い。う~む、カッコいい。
RABRIG NSX Concept-GT and Weds Sport RC F competing for the forth position. I love this picture.
Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 123mm, Exposure Time: 1/250, ISO: 640, Cropped
Calsonic IMPUL GT-R. 今回2,500枚弱撮影した中でバックファイヤが映っていたのはこの1枚。
Out of almost 2,500 pictures, this image is the only one that captured a car with a backfire.
Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200 mm, Exposure Time: 1/1600, ISO: 400, Cropped
残念ながらリタイアしてしまった Keeper TOM'S RC F。
Keeper TOM'S RC F. They ended up having to quit the race.
Aperture: ƒ/11, Focal Length: 90 mm, Exposure Time: 1/500, ISO: 500, Cropped
Motul Autech GT-R. 惜しくもタイトルの座を守れなかった1号車。ふふふ。
Motul Autech GT-R. They had to relinquish the title this year. Hehehe.
Aperture: ƒ/9, Focal Length: 172mm, Exposure Time: 1/640, ISO: 400, Cropped
シャッタースピードはまだ手探りでしたが、大分慣れてきました。S Road Craftsports GT-R.
I was getting used to the speed of the cars, though I wasn't really sure if I was shooting at the right shutter speed.
Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 131mm, Exposure Time: 1/400, ISO: 320, Cropped
レースも後半戦。ここまでくると大分慣れ、流し撮りに挑戦。Wako's 4CR RC F
In the second half of the race, I started trying slow shutter panning.
ISO感度について | ISO Sensitivity
家に帰ってきてから撮った写真を拡大して見ていたら、ISO感度の違いで細部の描写にかなりの差があることに気が付きました。たまたま同じ角度、異なるISO感度で撮影した写真のあったForum Engineering GT-Rの写真で比較してみます。When I was looking at the Super GT photos on my laptop, I found a huge difference in quality of the images at different ISO numbers. With two pictures of Forum Engineering GT-R, taken at different ISO numbers, I will show you how much a higher ISO number influences the details of the image.
Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 98mm, Exposure Time: 1/2500, ISO: 1600, Cropped
Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 90mm, Exposure Time: 1/1250, ISO: 320, Cropped
I took these photos at the same place with almost the same focal length. I took the first one at 1/2500 of a second and consequently the ISO number went up to 1600 (the maximum ISO that I set.) On the other hand, I was able to take the second one at the ISO 320 because of the slower shutter speed, and because the sun came out.
I think the first one is still clear and beautiful, but the pictures taken at the ISO 800 or above looked a bit grainy or noisy in detail. I initially thought it was because the object was slightly out of focus, but the high ISO is one of the reasons it is a low quality image in my opinion.
レース終了 | Checkered Flag
Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 162mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 160, Cropped
ウイニングランの様子。Wako's 4CR RC Fとau TOM'S RC F。
On the cool-down lap.
I did not walk around during the race this time, so I ended up taking almost 2,500 pictures.
I had studied good composure, proper shutter speed and aperture settings by looking at many pictures on flickr, however, I forgot all of them when I saw the racing cars flying in front of me. I just enjoyed capturing all the beautiful cars on my camera.
With the new lens, I found something new every time I pressed the shutter button. I had a great time.
That's all for now. I have showed you my pictures of GT500 cars.
I will show you many pictures of cars in the GT300 class in my next post! Please look forward to it!!
次の記事を読む>>SUPER GT 第3戦 もてぎ観戦 GT300編
Read next post>> SUPER GT Rd3 Motegi GT300 Class
次の記事を読む>>SUPER GT 第3戦 もてぎ観戦 GT300編
Read next post>> SUPER GT Rd3 Motegi GT300 Class
使用機材 | Equipment
Camera:Sony a6000 ソニー(SONY) 2010-09-15