前回の記事に引き続き、SUPER GT 第3戦の写真を公開したいと思います!
I will continue to share pictures from Super GT Round3 Motegi! 

In this post, my subjects are GT300 cars.
At the entrance. It was not crowded at all, so as a sickly person, I was really grateful for that. The weather was also nice, warm and windless. 

I turned the mode dial to M (Manual Exposure), set the focus mode to AF-C (Continuous AF), and narrowed the focusing area to the center, which helps the camera put your object in focus quickly.

レンズは今年の1月に買った、E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS(SEL18200)です。
Taking with a lens I bought in January (E18-200 F3.5-6.3 OSS[SEL18200]).
Read the lens review post>>HERE

レース開始! | Green Flag!

Aperture: ƒ/8,  Focal Length: 162mm,  Exposure Time: 1/1600, ISO: 800
GT300クラスのマシンはカーボンブレーキではなかったはずですが、ブレーキが真っ赤に焼けています。90度コーナー手前で観戦する楽しみの一つです。Subaru BRZ R&D Sport
I believe cars in the GT300 class are not armed with carbon ceramic brakes, but I saw the brakes on Subaru BRZ R&D Sport were burning in red. This is one of the scenes that you can enjoy at the 90-Degree Corner.

Apertureは「絞り」、Focal Lengthは「焦点距離」、Exposure Timeは「シャッタースピード」のことです。a6000のセンサーサイズはAPS-Cなので、35mm版換算の焦点距離を求めるには表示の焦点距離に1.5を掛ければOKです。Croppedは「トリミングあり」です。

Aperture: ƒ/8,  Focal Length: 162mm,  Exposure Time: 1/1600, ISO: 640
最初はGT500クラスばかり狙っていて、大分スピードに慣れた頃にGT300クラスを撮り始めたので、成功率はGT500クラスより高かったです。このStudie BMW M6はトリミングなしです。
In the first part of the race, I mostly took pictures of GT500 cars. I started shooting GT300 cars after I got used to the speed of GT500, so it felt easier. I didn't crop this image of Studie BMW M6.

Aperture: ƒ/11,  Focal Length: 90mm,  Exposure Time: 1/500, ISO: 640, Cropped
グッドスマイル初音ミクAMGとtriple a ランボルギーニGT3。
GoodSmile Hatsune-Miku AMG and triple a Lamborghini.

 Aperture: ƒ/11,  Focal Length: 90mm,  Exposure Time: 1/400, ISO: 640, Cropped
UPGRAGE BANDOH 86. 今回のSuper GT観戦、GT300クラスの楽しみはこのマザーシャシーの86。どのチームの86もカッコよかった。
I had been looking forward to seeing this type of car, mother chassis 86. I love every single 86 from all teams.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3,  Focal Length: 152mm,  Exposure Time: 1/1250, ISO: 320, Cropped
今年のGT300チャンピオンマシン、VivaC 86 MC!
This year's champions of GT300, VivaC 86 MC!

Aperture: ƒ/6.3,  Focal Length: 200mm,  Exposure Time: 1/2000, ISO: 500, Cropped
Syntium Apple Lotus. I was looking forward to seeing this car as well.  

Odyssey SLS161112
 Aperture: ƒ/9,  Focal Length: 200mm,  Exposure Time: 1/500, ISO: 250
ODYSSEY SLS. トリミングなし、色彩調整なし。良く撮れました。
ODYSSEY SLS.  I didn't crop or change colors of this picture. Good shot! 

LMcorsa488GT3 161112
Aperture: ƒ/5.6,  Focal Length: 105mm,  Exposure Time: 1/1000, ISO: 250, Cropped
JMS LMcorsa 488 GT3.

 Aperture: ƒ/10,  Focal Length: 123mm,  Exposure Time: 1/250, ISO: 200, Cropped
Excellence Porsche GT3. 後半はGT300クラスも流し撮りに挑戦。
Excellence Porsche GT3. I tried slow shutter speed panning in the second half of the race.

Aperture: ƒ/11,  Focal Length: 92mm,  Exposure Time: 1/400, ISO: 500, Cropped
GULF NAC Porsche 911. 

aprPrius30 161112
 Aperture: ƒ/9,  Focal Length: 200mm,  Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 125, Cropped
Toyota Prius apr GT. 一昨年はマシンのカラーリングのせいか、プリウスはほとんどいい写真が撮れなかったけど、今年は成功!何枚か良いのが撮れました。
Toyota Prius apr GT. I did not get a good shot of this car two years ago. That is probably because of the paint scheme, but I was able to take a few clear pictures of it this time!
 Aperture: ƒ/10,  Focal Length: 123mm,  Exposure Time: 1/250, ISO: 400, Cropped
エヴァRT初号機 Rn-s AMG GT.
Eva RT Rn-s AMG GT.

ズーム倍率について | About Zooming

今年1月に高倍率ズームレンズを買って以来、初めてのレース撮影だった今回。数あるAPS-C用200mmレンズのうち、割高な純正を選んだのも、AFの速さを優先しての事。それはまさにSUPER GTのためでした。(もちろん野鳥もですが)
This was the first race photo shooting since I bought a zoom lens in January. I could have bought a much cheaper APS-C lens from another lens manufacturers, but I picked one of Sony's because I didn't want to compromise the fast AF, just for Super GT. (Well, that's not entirely true because I love wild bird photos, too.)

I asked myself quite a few times before I got my lens: "How close can I get to the cars with a 200mm(300mm effective) lens?" I wasn't completely sure if 200mm was good enough for this use until I actually took pictures of these cars.

For this reason, I am going to show you how far you can get with a 200mm lens.

I tried taking pictures of the same subject at the same spot at different focal lengths. I was in the middle of a stand in front of the Victory Corner.
ご覧の通り、被写体(UPGRAGE BANDOH 86)までの距離は大体300~400mくらいではないかと思いますが、光学ズームだけでもかなり寄ることが出来ます。12メガピクセル以上の高画質で撮影し、トリミングすれば十分作品になりますね。
I think the distance between me and the car was about 300 to 400 meters(≒328 to 437yds), but as you can see, you can get this close to the subject (UPGRAGE BANDOH 86) with the optical zoom.
If you use the digital zoom, you can get even closer. The quality of the image was deteriorated, but it turned out to be better than my expectations.

However, I never used the digital zoom during the race. Additionally, I took only a few pictures at the maxmum focal length.

My opinion is that 200mm(300mm effective) is good enough for motor racing photography at Motegi. I have never been to any other circuit, so I am not saying that it will work anywhere. 

The focal lengths that I added to each picture indicate the ones of Sony E mount lens for APS-C sensor, which has a crop factor of 1.5x. If you turn each number to full-frame equivalent focal length, it changes to: 18mm=27mm, 49mm=73.5mm, 100mm=150mm, 200mm=300mm.

I hope this helps anyone who hasn't been able to decide what lens that you need.

レース終了 | Checkered Flag

It felt easier to shoot GT300 cars after I got used to the speed of GT500.
I am happy that I got a lot more clear shots than I did at the race two years ago. That may be because of the new lens or because that I've gotten more used to using my a6000. 
I wish I could have taken even more pictures. A 250km-race is too short! I would like to go watch Super Formula next time.

前回の記事を読む>>SUPER GT 第3戦 もてぎ観戦 GT500編
Read the previous post >>SUPER GT Rd3 Motegi GT500 Class
次の記事を読む>>SUPER GT 第3戦 もてぎ観戦 番外編
Read the next post >>SUPER GT Rd3 Motegi: Extra

使用機材 | Equipment

Camera:Sony a6000
Lens:E 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)
