嬉しいことに、もてぎではSUPER GTだけではなく、自然や鳥の写真も撮ることができました。当記事でははSUPER GT以外に撮れた良い写真を公開したいと思います。
I was lucky enough to take good pictures not only of Super GT cars, but also of nature and birds. In this post, I'm going to share those photos.

前の記事はこちら>>SUPER GT 第3戦 もてぎ GT500編、 GT300編
Read the previous posts >>SUPER GT Rd3 Motegi GT500 Class, GT300 Class
レース前 | Before the race

Aperture: ƒ/16, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/132, ISO: 500, Cropped
I was heading to the main entrance of the circuit from the parking lot when I found a kite flying over the woods.

Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/2500, ISO: 1250, Cropped
A big kite flying over me. I missed a shuttle bus while I was taking pictures of it, but it was totally worth it.
ハローウッズ | Hello Woods'

Aperture: ƒ/16, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 400
中央エントランスの真向かいには ハローウッズという施設があります。ここではジップラインや手作り教室、バードウォッチングなどが楽しめます。
中央エントランスの真向かいには ハローウッズという施設があります。ここではジップラインや手作り教室、バードウォッチングなどが楽しめます。
ツインリンクもてぎでの楽しみはSUPER GTだけではありません。
Right across from the main entrance to the circuit is a facility called Hello Woods' where you can enjoy activities such as zip lining, handcrafting, bird watching, etc.
Super GT is not the only thing that you can enjoy at Twin-ring Motegi!

Aperture: ƒ/16, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 160
Inside of the Hello Woods'.

Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 162mm, Exposure Time: 1/1600, ISO: 800
例年に比べ、紅葉はあまり鮮やかとは言えませんでしたが、 十分綺麗でした。
例年に比べ、紅葉はあまり鮮やかとは言えませんでしたが、 十分綺麗でした。
Tree leaves were not as vibrant as they were supposed to be this year, but still beautiful.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/50, ISO: 1600
昼食には森のキッチンどんぐりという食事処で醤油ラーメンを食べました。 クセがなくさっぱりしていたので、どんな体調でも食べられそうです。全く並ばずにすぐ食べられたのも嬉しいポイントでした。 他にもカレーやかき揚げうどんなどあるようなので、次回また行ってみたいと思います。
昼食には森のキッチンどんぐりという食事処で醤油ラーメンを食べました。 クセがなくさっぱりしていたので、どんな体調でも食べられそうです。全く並ばずにすぐ食べられたのも嬉しいポイントでした。 他にもカレーやかき揚げうどんなどあるようなので、次回また行ってみたいと思います。
I had syoyu ramen or soysauce flavored ramen for lunch at a restaurant, Mori-no-Kitchen Donguri. The flovers were not overly strong, making it easy to eat for anyone. I was grateful to be able to eat something warm before the race. It was not too crowded, so I only waited for a couple of minutes before the dish was served. They also serve curry and udon with tempura deep-fried vegetables, so I would like to try them next time.

Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 160
After lunch, I enjoyed taking a walk in the beautiful woods for about half an hour.

Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/1250, ISO: 500
I found a Japanese tit searching for food by peeling bark off of a branch.
FIA F4 選手権 | FIA F4 Championship

Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 125mm, Exposure Time: 1/640, ISO: 640, Cropped
After Super GT, I watched the FIA F4 championship.

Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 181mm, Exposure Time: 1/200, ISO: 500
I was amazed because the cars were much faster than I thought they would be, considering that those cars are driven by young drivers mostly under 20.
レース後 | After the Race

Aperture: ƒ/8, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 100
A cool customized Toyota 86. I've wanted to get 18-inch BBS aluminum wheels (CH) for my future 86, but maybe I should reconsider after looking at this model.

Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/50, ISO: 1600
The engine space was reinforced with TRD tower bars. I wonder how much power you can get out of this engine. Ah, I'd do anything to get a Toyota 86!

Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/10, ISO: 1600
内装。 計器類、ペダル、シフトレバー、もう全てが完璧!
内装。 計器類、ペダル、シフトレバー、もう全てが完璧!
The interior. The meters, pedals, shift lever....everything is perfect!

Aperture: ƒ/10, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 800, Cropped
スバルブースにあった、スバルBRZ。 走っていても、止まっていてもかっこいいです。
スバルブースにあった、スバルBRZ。 走っていても、止まっていてもかっこいいです。
Subaru BRZ was sitting at the Subaru booth. This car is really cool. It doesn't matter if it's running or parked.
ただいま! | Back Home!
万歩計をつけていきました。 9765歩も歩いていたようです。
I was wearing a pedometer during the day. It said I had walked 9,765 steps.

実を言うとこの日はとても体調が悪く、頭痛、 寒気、体温調節不良があり、さらに帰ってきてからお腹も壊してしまいました(疲れによるものです。昼食べたものは関係ありません。念のため。) 翌日からは、疲れによりさらに体調を崩し、未だに完全には回復していません。
As a matter of fact, I was feeling sick that day, with a headache, chills, bad thermoregulation, and even had an upset stomach after coming home. (My stomachache had nothing to do with what I ate for lunch. Just so you know.) I felt even worse from the next day, and I still have not completely recovered.
しかし、丸一日思いっきり楽しむことができ、 心はとてもすっきりしました。たまには無理してでもこういった遊びに出掛けられるといいなと思います。
However, I thoroughly enjoyed the day, and felt refreshed. It's nice to have this kind of day once in a while, even if I had to push myself beyond my physical limit.
I will definitely go watch motor racing again!
I wrote this post with Google voice typing.
Read more bilingual posts >>HERE
使用機材 | Equipment
Camera:Sony a6000Lens:E 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)
ソニー(SONY) 2010-09-15