ページ数、たったの367です。しかし、このイギリスの古典文学小説「高慢と偏見」を読み終えるのに5ヶ月もかかってしまいました 。 
At just 367 pages long, it took five months to finish reading this classic novel, Pride and Prejudice

*当記事は広告リンクを含みます|This article includes ad links.
I have read well over 30 books that had more pages, but none of them exhausted me as much as it did!

Was it worth this mental exertion? ーLet's find out! 

I put a post-it on a page that I had a question from. After reading this book, sticky notes are all over it as you can see in the picture! 

This is how I started >>Reading "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

あらすじ | Plot

It is a classic novel that has been put into many films, so I will summarize the story very briefly. 

Elizabeth Bennet was a daughter of a gentlemman, living in Herdfordshire, England. She was a smart, independent and a little obstinate girl. 

One day, a rich gentleman, Mr Darcy, along with his best friend, Mr Bingley, arrived in her neighborhood. Her first impression of Mr Darcy was horrible. She thought him arrogant, rude and snobbish, however, her feelings toward him changed gradually as she learned about what he was really like behind his arrogant manners. 

Some incident revealed what Mr Darcy tried to do to protect his loved ones, and Elizabeth found herself attracted to him...

感想 | Review

In the first quarter of the story, I felt quite a few times like I was left out. It was a kind of feeling that you are likely to have when your friends and family are chatting there having a good time and you are just watching them not knowing what they were talking about. 

I wondered if it was a kind of feeling you have when you study abroad with insufficient English skills. It was kind of funny because I had never thought I would feel that lonely by reading this classic novel in my own bedroom. 

The story itself was a typical romance to me. I could imagine from the beginning where this story would go, and it ended in an exact way I expected. 

もし私の英語力がもう少し高く、作者が伝えようとした皮肉や冗談をほんの少しでも感じ取ることが出来れば、感想は違ったかもしれません。しかし、残念ながら私の英語力はそこまで良くありませんでした (TдT)
If my English had been good enough to understand all the sarcasm and jokes the author intended to convey, it could have been more fun, but unfortunately my English comprehension was not that good (TдT)

私は本を読んでも文化的な習慣や慣習がいまいち想像出来ませんでした。 そのためまずは映画を見て、19世紀のイギリスの雰囲気を少し感じてから読むとまた違うかもしれません。
You may want to watch a film first if you are not familiar with the settings in England in the 19th century because it was very difficult for me to imagine their lifestyle and customs. 

面白いと思った表現 | Expressions that I found interesting

In narration, Mr Wickham was described as the following:
"His appearance was greatly in his favour; he had all the best part of beauty, a fine countenance, a good figure, a very pleasing address." ―Page 71

This "address" means manner of speech or behavior. I had no idea what that meant until I asked my friend the meaning, so all I could tell about Mr Wickham was he was just good-looking. 

And next...

ビングリーは エリザベスとダーシーの会話が熱を帯びてきたので、喧嘩にならないよう二人を止めようと試みます:
When Mr Bingley attempted to stop a conversation between Mr Darcy and Elizabeth from turning into an argument, Mr Darcy said the following:
"'I see your design Bingley,' said his friend. 'You dislike an argument, and want to silence this.'"ーPage 49 
訳: 「君のやろうとしてることわかるよ、ビングリー」ダーシーは言った。 「君は喧嘩が嫌いだから、この話を終わりにしようとしてるんだろう?」

Since I didn't know that "design" meant "intention," I was really confused here but once you know it, it makes perfect sense. Throughout this book, I came across many words that were used in a different way than they are today.

あと面白かったのが、 当時使われていた馬車の種類の多さです。それから馬車によってその持ち主の社会的地位の高さも表していたことも面白いです。この作品には少なくても3種類馬車が出てきました。(「phaeton」「barouche」と「hackney-coach」)
Also, it was interesting to find that there were so many kinds of coaches used in the UK back then, and that they often represent the owner's social status. In this book, as far as I can tell, there are more than three types of coaches: phaeton, barouche and hackney-coach. 


ページ数: 367

まとめ | Conclusion

Overall, I enjoyed this reading experience. I have yet to realize how much this book has contributed to my English proficiency, but I believe I have learned something because I came across many sophisticated words and expressions that I would otherwise never have known. 

I'll definitely try reading this book again sometime, but I'll watch the film first to see if the scenes that I had in my head were right. I look forward to it.

If you are interested in 19th century European culture, I'd recommend you to give it a try. Besides, the book isn't that expensive on Amazon.co.jp.

Since this book is a classic, Japanese translations are readily available if you need. 

関連記事 | Related Posts

This is how I started>>Reading "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

Other Posts on Reading>>こちら

Other bilingual posts>>HERE
