It has been a year and three months since I finished the previous assignment, Module2. This Module was a great source of stress until I finished it, but my effort has paid off with a brilliant score. Let's look back on how much this assignment tormented me over a year.

ちなみに私が取り組んでいる通信のTESOL講座はイギリスのTESOL専門学校"Global English"の"180 HOUR LEVEL 4 TESOL WITH ONE-TO-ONE"です。
My corresponding TESOL course is "180 HOUR LEVEL 4 TESOL WITH ONE-TO-ONE" provided by "Global English", a TESOL school based in the UK.


添削を終えて | Feedback

私の担当の講師が最近Global Englishを退職されたそうで、別の講師が引き継ぎました。そのため、今回の課題提出に関して何か変化があるかもと思っていました。課題はネット経由で提出、それから2日間で添削されて返ってきました。前の講師より1日長くかかりましたが、それでも早い。しかも添削はより丁寧でした。
My tutor has recently been retired from Global English, so another teacher has taken over her position. So I was wondering how the new tutor would assess my work. I turned in my assignment via Internet and I got it marked in two days. The new tutor took one day longer than the previous tutor did, but I whould still say it was a quick job. And I found all corrections were done even more thoroughly than his predecessor did. I'm impressed!   

You might have already seen my score in the picture above, but allow me to announce it!
The score I got was....
88%(A⁻)! (219 out of 248)

The assignment was really difficult, and I felt terrible all the time due to my illness over the past year, so I'm proud of myself for getting such a high score.

良かった点 | Things I did well

英語の運用能力を示す"Use of English"で満点でした。これは私自身が英語学習者ということを考えると本当に凄いことです。提出前に自分が書いた答案を確認していたら、あまりの出来の良さに自分で書いたとは思えないほどでした。
I got a perfect score on the "Use of English" section, which is an assessment of my proficiency in English. It is amazing, given that I am an English learner myself. In fact, I was surprised at how natural all my writing looked when I was checking over for errors before turning in this assignment. Some of my answers looked so good that I could not believe that I wrote them all. 

My writing skills have undoubtedly improved due to this course.

Also, I did great in Question 27 where you write a 750 - 1000 word essay on the "future tense." 
You have to write why there's no such thing as the "future tense," explain how to express the future in English with ten examples and state why the future tense could be so difficult for your students.

I wrote this essay heavily based on my own learning experiences. This is where learners can shine because we know exactly how hard it is to learn the usage that your mother tongue does not have. I scored 74 out of 75 here!

反省点 | Things I messed up

I got only 30 out of 45 points for Question 1. This question requires you to create a whole lesson plan based around the theme: listening. You can set up everything from the the duration of the lesson, to the level/number of students and their nationalities, as long as you stick to the studying point. 

I planned a lesson for ten students aged 18 - 60 at the elementary level. I wanted to teach the interrogative form using question words (wh- and how).

My tutor pointed out :

1. リスニング素材として取り入れたビデオが難しすぎる
that the materials I introduced were too difficult for this level
2. ウォームアップの時間が十分でない上、5W1Hについての説明が不十分
insufficient warm-up activity or instructions of how to form "wh- and how" questions  
3. リスニング前の説明もまた不十分
inadequate pre-listening 

I couldn't agree more with my tutor, so I will review all those points one more time to do better with the same kind of questions on the next Module.

改善点 | Things I have to improve

It is a little embarrassing to tell you that I did the same mistake again on Question 1. 

I wrote the following in my previous post
あと前回の課題でも指摘されていたのですが、私は生徒のレベルを高めに設定する癖があるらしいです。Beginnerには"did"を"was / were"を一度に教えてはいけないとか、Elementaryに過去形と過去分詞形混ぜて教えちゃいけないとか、今回の課題でもそのようなことを指摘されました。
As my tutor pointed out in the previous assignment, I tend to overestimate my students’ levels. You can’t teach “did” and “was / were” all at once for beginners and you can’t bring up past simple and past participle in one lesson for elementary learners etc. She indicated the same points in this assignment again.

As a matter of fact, I have a tendency to do this at times in my actual lessons. So I’ll have to try to better ascertain what is difficult and what is easy for them.
I misjudged my students' levels again. I was trying to introduce materials that were extremely difficult for elementary level students. I should have either chosen easier video/audio or spared a little more time on the pre-listening activity.

I have three Questions that require whole lesson planning on Module 4, so I have to keep these points in mind and try to make lesson plans that suit my students' levels. 

まとめ | Conclusion

Lessons that I learned from Module 3 and conclusion.

It all comes down to this point:
Pay more attention to students’ levels.

In fact, I have already started Module 4. I solved 14 easy questions from it while I was struggling with Question 1. So I only have half of Module 4 left (13 questions.) 

Next month, it will have been two and a half years since starting this TESOL course. I have not been able to study for the Eiken or the TOEIC during that period, so I really, really want/need to finish this final Module as soon as possible. I will do my very best to complete this course!


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