It is a little late, but Happy 2018!I am going to keep posting useful articles on English learning, Western music, camera/photography and ME/CFS, so please look forward to my blog updates in this year as well.

About half a month ago, I got a flat tire on our Specia Custom. It is rare to get a chance to fix a flat tire, so I thought it would be of some help for someone if I write about it.
目次 | INDEX
▶パンクの状況 | How did it happen?▶応急修理 | Emergency repair
▶あって良かったもの | Things that I appreciated
▶パンク修理 | Having the tire fixed
▶こうすれば良かった | It would have been better if....
▶まとめ | Conclusion
▶関連記事 | Related posts
パンクの状況 | How did it happen?
On Christmas Day of last year, I got in the car, started the engine and left for the post office to mail my New Year's cards. About 20 meters along the way, I noticed a strange noise coming from somewhere, but I decided to go on to see if it would stop. I also noticed that the acceleration was extremely dull, so I pulled over in a quiet residential area after running about 800 meters. I checked to see what was wrong, and then I saw that the right rear tire was punctured.
原因はおそらく前日に父がスーパーに買い物に行ったとき、釘が刺さったのだと思います。私の乗っている原付バイクでは一晩かけてゆっくりタイヤの空気が抜ける、いわゆる”スローパンクチャー”が今まで3度ありました。 今回もそれと同じ現象だと思います。(ちなみに私はパンクしたタイヤで四輪車を走らせたのは今回が初めてです。)
On the day before, my father went shopping for groceries. I suspect that that was when the tire picked up a sharp object such as a nail. I have had a slow puncture - a puncture in which the air pressure slowly goes down - on my motorbike three times. This time it happened to Spacia Custom. It was my first time driving a car with a flat tire.
For a brief moment I thought I would just go home with this flat tire, but I decided to fix it because I did not want to damage the aluminum wheel.
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For a brief moment I thought I would just go home with this flat tire, but I decided to fix it because I did not want to damage the aluminum wheel.
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応急修理 | Emergency repair
Having read the manual for a good five minutes, I started fixing the tire.

Having read the manual for a good five minutes, I started fixing the tire.

First, remove the valve cap and turn the yellow tool counterclockwise to pull out the core.

First, remove the valve cap and turn the yellow tool counterclockwise to pull out the core.

Pour the repair liquid into the tire, put the core back and inflate the tire with a compressor that is equipped in the trunk.
You can find the recommended tire pressure on a sticker on the driver side center pillar. It is 240kPa(2.4kgf/㎠) for the standard summer tire, 165/55R15, for Spacia Custom.
You can find the recommended tire pressure on a sticker on the driver side center pillar. It is 240kPa(2.4kgf/㎠) for the standard summer tire, 165/55R15, for Spacia Custom.

Look at the sticker first if you do not know what the recommended tire pressure is. However, the size of our winter tires is different from summer tires, so I looked up in the manual to find the recommended tire pressure. It’s 250 kPa(2.5kgf/㎠) for our winter tires, 145/65R14.
Then inflate the tire with a compressor that runs on electricity from the 12V power socket.
Then inflate the tire with a compressor that runs on electricity from the 12V power socket.

コンプレッサーの作動音は結構うるさいです。そのため夜中や朝方使う際には気を使うかもしれません。The compressor is very noisy so you might have to be careful when you use it at night or early in the morning.
NOTE: The compressor is not waterproof so you can't use it in the rain. Since you never know when or where you will get a flat tire, this could be a problem.
NOTE: The compressor is not waterproof so you can't use it in the rain. Since you never know when or where you will get a flat tire, this could be a problem.
After the tire pressure was back to the recommended level, I drove back home carefully.
After the tire pressure was back to the recommended level, I drove back home carefully.
And I replaced the temporarily fixed tire with a summer tire with my brother’s help.
And I replaced the temporarily fixed tire with a summer tire with my brother’s help.
The Spacia Custom is not equipped with a spare tire, but it has a jack in the trunk.

We placed the fixed tire under the car while changing as a precaution if the car should fall off the jack.

Now the Spacia Custom is on a summer tire.
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あって良かったもの | Things that I appreciated

The plastic bag that contains the liquid tire repair kit was so thick that I could not rip it open.So I used the cutter that is on the bottom of the handle of an emergency hammer. The cutter is supposed to cut the seat belt, but it was useful.

We keep the hammer in the driver’s side door pocket.
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パンク修理 | Having the tire fixed
パンクしたタイヤは父が後日、タイヤ専門店のミスタータイヤマンに行き、修理してもらいました。刺さっていたのは長さが約3センチ、太さ約3ミリの釘だったそうです。パンク修理一本で費用は税込3,240円でした。My father took the flat tire to a tire shop, Mr. Tire Man, and had it repaired. The cause of the puncture was just a nail that was about 3cm long and 2mm across. It cost 3,240 yen, tax included.
Also, you cannot reuse the repair liquid, so my father got a new bottle at a Suzuki dealer. It was 2,808 yen (tax included.) We could have gotten the same type of liquid for about 1,000 yen at a different car shop, but we prioritized reliability over economy.
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こうすれば良かった | It would have been better if....
ミスタータイヤマンの店員さんによると、応急修理キットの液体はその成分がタイヤの寿命を縮めてしまうそうです。そのためパンクを見つけたらまずコンプレッサーでタイヤに空気を入れ、それで空気が抜けてしまうような場合にのみ使うのが正解だったようです。According to the mechanic at Mr. Tire Man, it would have been better if I had just inflated the tire with a compressor without using the liquid because the liquid can damage the tire.
また店員さんのおすすめの方法として、遠出をする際には、冬には夏タイヤを一本、夏には冬タイヤを一本積んで出かけると安心だそうです。 そうすれば 応急修理剤では直せないようなパンクも怖くないですし、応急修理剤も使うことなく済むので、タイヤを長持ちさせることが可能です。
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Also, cars that are manufactured in recent years are not equipped with a spare tire. So when you drive a long distance, you can use a summer tire as a spare tire in winter and vice versa in summer. Then you won't have to use the tire repair liquid.
I will try that when I drive a long distance next time.
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まとめ | Conclusion

There were many things that I did not know until I had this puncture, so I have learned a lot from this experience. It occurred in my neighborhood and the weather was relatively warm, so I was fortunate.
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関連記事 | Related posts
Six months since we got this car. The hybrid system stopped working and recovered. Check this out!
スぺージアカスタム 冬タイヤを履く | Spacia Custom's on Winter Tires
Three month since we got this car. It's on winter tires.
First impression of this car.
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