Having recovered from summer heat exhaustion, I feel relatively well in fall. I got to take many wonderful photos in the fall of 2018 as well.
*当記事は広告リンクを含みます | This article includes ad links.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 2500
今回は2018年10月から12月の3ヶ月間に、Sony α6000で撮影した写真を投稿したいと思います!撮影場所は全て茨城県内です。
In this article, I am going to share the beautiful pictures that I took with my Sony a6000 in the last quarter of 2018. All the photos were taken in Ibaraki.
▶庭の花と冬桜 | Garden flowers & Winter Cherry blossoms
▶イルミネーション | Christmas lights
▶自然 | Nature
▶まとめ | Conclusion
▶関連記事 | Related posts
▶使用機材 | Equipment

Aperture: ƒ/7.1, Focal Length: 185mm, Exposure Time: 1/800, ISO: 800
I rarely get lost even when I'm driving in an unfamiliar area. On that day, however, I took a wrong turn while I was heading to a shop and got into a complex residential area.
It turned out that I was really lucky because I got to see such beautiful autumn colors because of that.

Aperture: ƒ/9, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 160
Date: December 27.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 194mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 800
I almost gave up on seeing autumn leaves so I was really happy when I saw these trees.

Aperture: ƒ/5, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/100, ISO: 100
The store sign reflected the sunlight and brightened up the park.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 500
I found the back of the leaves also beautiful.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 43mm, Exposure Time: 1/80, ISO: 500

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 98mm, Exposure Time: 1/160, ISO: 800

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 2500

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 194mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 1000

Aperture: ƒ/7.1, Focal Length: 43mm, Exposure Time: 1/80, ISO: 160
I started to feel cold 20 minutes after I started taking pictures, so I stopped it and headed to my destination. I like to go there again.
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Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 500
A rose in my garden.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 194mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 400
The autumn has come to my garden.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 2500

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320 ISO: 320
Winter cherry blossoms. I took these photos on December 25.
It was the first time for me to take photos of winter cherry blossoms though I had heard that there were cherry blossoms that bloom in winter.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/200, ISO: 250
In comparison with cherry blossoms in spring, they had fewer blossoms. But I found each one of blossoms beautiful nonetheless.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/125, ISO: 100
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Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 6 sec, ISO: 400
I learned it from a follower on Twitter that shapes of light will change into a spikey form when you shoot with the minimum aperture and a long exposure time, so I tried it myself.

Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 8 sec, ISO: 320
Just as I learned, the lights spread out in all directions.

Aperture: ƒ/16, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 4 sec, ISO: 320
I set the maximum ISO number at 400 not to make my images grainy.

Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 23mm, Exposure Time: 1.6 sec, ISO: 800
My zoom lense may not be made for Christmas lights or night sky pictures because the lens starts to pull in by itself when I tilt the camera upwards. It would not be a problem if you can hold the lens with your hands, but that is not the case when you use your camera on a tripod.
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Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 51mm, Exposure Time: 1/250, ISO: 100
I found this dandelion in a park in my neighborhood. I didn't know that dandelion would flower in autumn.撮影日:10月29日
Date: October 29.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 128mm, Exposure Time: 1/200, ISO: 320
In another park in my neighborhood.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 800, Cropped
I took this photo in my neighborhood that I mentioned in this blog more than a couple of times. A variety of wild birds come to this park year-round because there is a little pond in it.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 1000, Cropped

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 200, Cropped
A wagtail. I found him in a parking of a supermarket.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/400, ISO: 100, Cropped

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/400, ISO: 400, Cropped
I took this photo of the moon at the maximum 24 megapixels and cropped it to a quarter of the original size afterward.
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Autumn is not too cold or too hot, so I can enjoy photography easily, though I’m extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations. I really enjoyed taking photos of autumn colors and Christmas lights in 2018 as well.
I love photography because every season has unique subjects to takes photos of.
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Read other Photo Diary>>HERE
レンズE 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)のレビュー記事>>こちら
Review of my lens: E 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)>>HERE
【家まで届けてくれる!】カメラのキタムラ ネットプリントサービスを利用してみた
▶目次にもどる | Back to INDEX
Having recovered from summer heat exhaustion, I feel relatively well in fall. I got to take many wonderful photos in the fall of 2018 as well.
*当記事は広告リンクを含みます | This article includes ad links.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 2500
今回は2018年10月から12月の3ヶ月間に、Sony α6000で撮影した写真を投稿したいと思います!撮影場所は全て茨城県内です。
In this article, I am going to share the beautiful pictures that I took with my Sony a6000 in the last quarter of 2018. All the photos were taken in Ibaraki.
目次 | INDEX
▶紅葉 | Autumn colors▶庭の花と冬桜 | Garden flowers & Winter Cherry blossoms
▶イルミネーション | Christmas lights
▶自然 | Nature
▶まとめ | Conclusion
▶関連記事 | Related posts
▶使用機材 | Equipment
紅葉 | Autumn colors

Aperture: ƒ/7.1, Focal Length: 185mm, Exposure Time: 1/800, ISO: 800
I rarely get lost even when I'm driving in an unfamiliar area. On that day, however, I took a wrong turn while I was heading to a shop and got into a complex residential area.
It turned out that I was really lucky because I got to see such beautiful autumn colors because of that.

Aperture: ƒ/9, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/60, ISO: 160
Date: December 27.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 194mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 800
I almost gave up on seeing autumn leaves so I was really happy when I saw these trees.

Aperture: ƒ/5, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/100, ISO: 100
The store sign reflected the sunlight and brightened up the park.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 500
I found the back of the leaves also beautiful.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 43mm, Exposure Time: 1/80, ISO: 500

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 98mm, Exposure Time: 1/160, ISO: 800

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 2500

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 194mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 1000

Aperture: ƒ/7.1, Focal Length: 43mm, Exposure Time: 1/80, ISO: 160
I started to feel cold 20 minutes after I started taking pictures, so I stopped it and headed to my destination. I like to go there again.
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庭の花と冬桜 | Garden flowers & Winter Cherry blossom

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 500
A rose in my garden.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 194mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 400
The autumn has come to my garden.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 2500

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320 ISO: 320
Winter cherry blossoms. I took these photos on December 25.
It was the first time for me to take photos of winter cherry blossoms though I had heard that there were cherry blossoms that bloom in winter.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/200, ISO: 250
In comparison with cherry blossoms in spring, they had fewer blossoms. But I found each one of blossoms beautiful nonetheless.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 1/125, ISO: 100
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イルミネーション | Christmas lights

Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 6 sec, ISO: 400
I learned it from a follower on Twitter that shapes of light will change into a spikey form when you shoot with the minimum aperture and a long exposure time, so I tried it myself.

Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 8 sec, ISO: 320
Just as I learned, the lights spread out in all directions.

Aperture: ƒ/16, Focal Length: 18mm, Exposure Time: 4 sec, ISO: 320
I set the maximum ISO number at 400 not to make my images grainy.

Aperture: ƒ/22, Focal Length: 23mm, Exposure Time: 1.6 sec, ISO: 800
My zoom lense may not be made for Christmas lights or night sky pictures because the lens starts to pull in by itself when I tilt the camera upwards. It would not be a problem if you can hold the lens with your hands, but that is not the case when you use your camera on a tripod.
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自然 | Nature

Aperture: ƒ/5.6, Focal Length: 51mm, Exposure Time: 1/250, ISO: 100
I found this dandelion in a park in my neighborhood. I didn't know that dandelion would flower in autumn.撮影日:10月29日
Date: October 29.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 128mm, Exposure Time: 1/200, ISO: 320
In another park in my neighborhood.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 800, Cropped
I took this photo in my neighborhood that I mentioned in this blog more than a couple of times. A variety of wild birds come to this park year-round because there is a little pond in it.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 1000, Cropped

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/320, ISO: 200, Cropped
A wagtail. I found him in a parking of a supermarket.

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/400, ISO: 100, Cropped

Aperture: ƒ/6.3, Focal Length: 200mm, Exposure Time: 1/400, ISO: 400, Cropped
I took this photo of the moon at the maximum 24 megapixels and cropped it to a quarter of the original size afterward.
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まとめ | Conclusion
秋は暑すぎず、寒すぎず、体温調節機能の弱い私でも比較的気軽に写真を楽しめる季節です。2018年も紅葉やイルミネーションを撮影出来て楽しかったです。Autumn is not too cold or too hot, so I can enjoy photography easily, though I’m extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations. I really enjoyed taking photos of autumn colors and Christmas lights in 2018 as well.
I love photography because every season has unique subjects to takes photos of.
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関連記事 | Related posts
今までの写真散歩記事>>こちらRead other Photo Diary>>HERE
レンズE 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)のレビュー記事>>こちら
Review of my lens: E 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS (SEL18200)>>HERE
【家まで届けてくれる!】カメラのキタムラ ネットプリントサービスを利用してみた
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使用機材 | Equipment