







最強の英語スピーキング上達法!2分スピーチのやり方 [外部リンク]



This is my first day of the 21-day challenge of 2-minute speech practice initiated by Sakurako-san.

Today, I’m going to talk about what I like about myself.

I like myself being persistent and hard-working or maybe even meticulous. I don’t give up on things easily.

However, I didn't feel this way until recently. In fact, I used to loathe myself for being slow in everything that I do. It is true that my illness, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or ME, is the huge reason for that because it affects every single aspect of my life.It takes time for me to do anything. For instance, it took four years and two months to finish my TESOL course, which most people complete within a year and 11 years was needed just to graduate from high school.

But soon after I passed the Eiken Grade 1 last year, I suddenly came to realize that my persistence and diligence made it possible to achieve these goals.

No matter how bad ME was, I never gave up; I never stopped studying. So now I know I don’t need to change anything about myself, so I’ll try to enjoy being myself and I’ll try to enjoy doing things at my own pace.

Yeah, that’s about it. Thanks for watching and I hope to see you again...soon!



This is my second day of the 21-day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. Today’s topic is about the person who inspires me. I would like to talk about an English teacher in high school.

I was 17 when I first took his English class in high school, and it was his last year before his retirement. A great person may not always look like it because his English class was boring, he would often go sideways during his classes talking about everyday stuff.

So I was surprised when he offered me interview practice for the Eiken Grade 3. To my greater surprise, his advice on the test was to the point and extremely helpful to me. After his retirement, we kept in touch through occasional letters and postcards.

A few years later, soon after I wrote him that I had passed the first part of the Eiken Grade pre-2, a package arrived at my place. A note inside said that he would give me a practice session on the phone. He had already been retired from high school for two years, but still reached out to me, and it was a huge help because I had no one else that I could ask for help.

And largely thanks to his support, I passed the test with flying colors. I later found out that he could’ve made his classes more difficult and challenging, but he did what he did according to his students’ levels because my high school was a low-rated school. He is definitely one of the many people that I look up to.

Okay, that’s about it. Thanks for your time with me! Bye!



Hi there! This is my third day of the 21-day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. Today I’m going to talk about the things that I’m passionate about.

I'm passionate about two things in particular. One is teaching English and the other is blogging.

Teaching is my passion. I love the fact that I can be of help to anyone by sharing things that I know. Taking advantage of being a one-on-one English teacher, I make each lesson tailored for each student according to their preferences and goals. It takes a lot of time and energy to prepare but it's quite rewarding when my students beam happily at me after they have learned something new.

Also, in order to teach English, I need to learn the language myself further so I can teach them correct terms and expressions.

The other thing is that I write two blogs. The first one is about English learning, photography and music. In this blog, I share useful English expressions that I come across along the way of learning and teaching English. Questions from my students are always interesting topics to write about.

In my second blog, I write about my life with a chronic illness, ME, both in Japanese and English. Although there are millions of people who suffer from this illness worldwide, it still is a little known illness with little information out there. So I hope my blog can be of help to those who suffer from it and the people around them.

That’s it for today. Thanks for your time with me! Bye!




Hi there! It's Yukey. This is my fourth day of the 21-day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. This time, I’m going to talk about the two activities that make me lose track of time.

I am a shy person, but I love chatting with people. Last night, I got to voice chat with a girl / fellow English learner that I got to know on Twitter for the first time. I always get extremely nervous when I talk to someone new, and yesterday wasn't an exception, so my hands were shaking, my heart was beating hard against my rib cage, and I even started to feel sick.

As we started talking, however, I totally lost track of time, and we ended up chatting for two hours on end. Yet it felt like half an hour at most. We laughed so hard. I had an awesome time, and it was well worth all the discomfort that I had to feel prior to the chat.

And the other thing is watching motorsports. I love cars too much, so I always try to limit my time of watching a car race to half an hour at a time because it's physically exhausting to keep up with the fast-moving objects on the screen. However, oftentimes, I find myself watching it intensely sitting up straight for two hours non-stop. That being said, it’s really nice to have something that I can get absorbed in and lose track of time.

That’s about it for today. Thanks for watching. Bye.



Hi there, it’s Yukey! This is my fifth day of the 21 day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. The question of the day is “What is your most recent accomplishment?”

My most recent accomplishment would be that I got over 10,000 monthly page views on my blog last month for the first time in six months. The number went down to 6,000s, so I started taking blogging more seriously. I added more internal links, rewrote old articles, in addition to writing new posts regularly. As a result, more people came and more articles were read. So yeah, it was great.

The other thing is that I attended an online drinking party in July. As some of you may know, for me, meeting new people can be nerve-wrecking. That day, my stomach lurched, and I lost appetite and felt nauseous. So I am glad that I pushed through it because the meeting turned out to be awesome, and I met highly-motivated people for English learning.

But my most significant accomplishment is passing the Eiken Grade 1 in November last year. Although I passed the first part of the test in June, I couldn't take the interview test the following month due to my chronic illness flaring up. So it was a huge relief when I saw the results on my computer screen especially because I had to go through four months of thorough preparation.

As I was making a list of all the things that I achieved over the past year, I realized that I had achieved more than I thought I did, so I'm proud of myself.

Okay. That’s about it for today. Thanks for watching. Bye!



Hi, it’s Yukey! This is my sixth day of the 21 day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. Today I am going to answer the following questions.

One is “If your best friend wrote a book about you, what would the title be?” and the other is “What about your worst enemy?”

Well, I’m sure my best friend is not the kind of person who writes a book about anyone, so my answer to this question is... “he wouldn’t write it.” This may not be a good answer, but I'm being honest.

As for my worst enemy, it would be social media including language exchange apps such as Twitter, HelloTalk and italki. “Worst enemy” may not be the right words because it’s more of a love-and-hate relationship.

All the social media (sites) can be addictive, and it is often the case when I spend so much time on them. Once I open Twitter, for example, I usually spend five minutes checking my timeline and it will take more time when I tweet anything, and I repeat this whole process at least several times a day.

At the same time, however, I have met a lot of amazing people through these platforms. I got to attend an online meeting, talk to an ESL teacher that I’ve always looked up to, and I’m currently having fun interacting with fellow English learners that I would never have met without social media. So I’ll just try to keep the right balance between having fun using them and using them too much.

Alright, that’s it for today. Thank you for watching. Bye!



Hi, it’s Yukey! This is my seventh day of the 21 day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. Today I’m going to talk about the things that I am grateful for.

First, I know it will sound cliche, but I’m grateful for the people around me such as my family, friends and relatives. They are always supportive for whatever I do, so if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have been who I am now. I know everyone feels the same way about this but I mean it.

Secondly, I’m extremely thankful for technological advancements in communication that we have now, namely the Internet. I have a chronic illness, ME, which makes it extremely hard for me to even get out of my house, so it feels like a miracle that I have a job that I love and work as much as I can at home in spite that I have health problems.

Also, the Internet has put me in contact with a variety of people I would otherwise never have gotten to know. I met fellow ME patients, English learners and language exchange partners, and all these people have enriched my life and helped me grow as a person to a great extent.

Last but not least, I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to Sakurako-san for initiating this challenge. Without this challenge, I wouldn't have looked back what I had achieved, let alone posting videos where I speak about myself. This challenge has given me the opportunity to make myself more proud.

Alright, thanks for watching! See you next time. Bye.



Hi, it’s Yukey! This is my eighth day of the 21 day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. It's been quite a while since I’ve posted my last speech, but I’ll just keep doing it until Day 21 because persistence is my strong point.

In this speech, I’m going to talk about the thing that I learned recently.

I recently learned that I am shy. I used to think of myself as an outgoing and unreserved person, but at some point this year, I suddenly came to realize that I'm the opposite, and then everything made sense. I used to get extremely nervous every time I participated in an event or meeting, or even when I pressed the follow button on Twitter.

Back when I thought meeting new people was a piece of cake, I got constantly mad at myself because my heart wouldn’t react in the way I thought it would. One day, it turned out meeting with new people had been great stress for me, then I realized how hard I had been pushing myself to achieve my goals by interacting with a lot of people. From this new perspective, I no longer felt ashamed of myself when I got extremely nervous before meeting with people, and that has made my life a whole lot easier because it's me.

From this experience, I learned that true understanding of my personality has let me be okay with who I really am. It has also opened up more opportunities to broaden my horizons, so I’m excited to see what my life has in store for me in the future.

That's it for today. Thanks for listening. Bye.



Hi, it’s Yukey! Today I’m going to talk about the most sensible thing I’ve ever heard someone say. It is from my oldest friend: “希望は持っていても場所とらないから、持っておいたらいい” or “you can keep your hope as long as you want because it won’t take up space.”

I love building plastic models, and I enjoyed doing it until my mid-20s. However, as my chronic illness, ME, started getting worse, I got more sensitive to chemicals such as paints and thinner, so my models were collecting dust.

One day, I decided to sell all my models that took up space because it had already been eight years since I had worked on any of them. I was going to use the money that I would get in exchange for them for a computer. Wise move, right?

However, the night I sold all the models, I suddenly got overwhelmed with great sadness. I sold them not because I got tired of them, but because I had to give up on modeling due to my deteriorating physical condition.

The next day, I told him half jokingly that I had sold all the models and got so much space now in my bedroom. Then he said: “you can keep your hope as long as you want because it won’t take up space.”

He knows well about the hardships that I face every day regarding my illness. I'm not even exaggerating when I say it was a lifesaver. His words gave me hope for the future. So I'm truly lucky to have someone like him and I'm thus grateful for having such a wonderful friend in my life.

That’s about it. Thanks for watching. Bye.




Hi everyone! It’s Yukey. This is my 11th day of the 21 day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. Today I'm going to talk about the way of thinking that I’ve long wanted to change.

Whenever I write my blog or tweet something, I always think that it has to be useful and helpful to someone, despite myself, which makes it extremely difficult for me to share anything with anyone.

There have been many times when I dismissed the ideas that came to my mind because my inner voice echoed in my head saying that "everybody knows this" or "it's not worth sharing." I am well aware that you never know what information will be useful to other people, and that it’s totally up to the listeners to decide whether it is helpful or not.

It happens when I think of 2-minute speeches, too, and that's one of the reasons why it's been taking so long to finish this challenge.

Maybe I'm a perfectionist or a bit too self-conscious, but I don't want to let go of the ideas that might be helpful to other people anymore. So I would really like to change this way of thinking, and be more flexible.

Alright, that's it for today. Thanks for watching. Bye.





Hi everyone! It’s Yukey. This is my 12th day of the 21 day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. Today's question is "If you were omnipotent, how would you change the world?"

If I could do anything as being omnipotent, I would eradicate every kind of illness from this world, including mine.

Living with an illness is much harder and uglier than what many movies and TV shows depict. In stories, everything is neatly taken care of, and the main character is always strong and heroic. In reality, at least in my case, my life has always been in emotional and physical turmoils.

I’ve never loved a life with ME, my chronic illness, so I would want to turn this world into an illness-free environment.

Second, I would change the climate cooler to the level of 100 years ago. I don't want to see millions of people suffer from natural disasters every year around the globe, so I think it is a nice way to use the super power to make this world less tragic. After all, I want this world to be as peaceful as possible where people can enjoy their lives happily.

Alright, thanks for watching! Bye!



Hi everyone. It’s Yukey. I'm filming this video for the 21 day challenge of 2 minute speech practice. Today's question is "Which is more important: talent or hard work?"

I think it depends on the goals you have. If you have a goal that requires you to achieve in a short period of time or before reaching a certain age, talent is more important. For example, if you are a basketball player and want to be chosen as part of the national team for the Olympics, you’ll definitely need to be gifted.

On the other hand, if time is in your favor to achieve your goal, hard work is more important. I’ve never thought of myself as gifted, yet I have become able to speak English at the level where I don't have to worry about linguistic problems in terms of communication.

Good news is that everyone can work hard, regardless of the talent, so I’ll keep trying my best to achieve my goals. Currently, I really want to become able to support myself financially and live on my own, so I've been working really hard to increase my lesson slots and write a whole lot more blog posts.

Alright, thanks for watching. Bye.



Hi everyone. It’s Yukey. Today's question is "When was the last time you tried something new?"

It was a couple of months ago when I tried a cup of hot chocolate. I love coffee with sugar and milk. A few months ago, however, my favorite coffee milk brand, Sujata P, vanished from supermarkets all of a sudden. I couldn't find it anywhere.

Days passed by without coffee, I was still okay. But the days turned into weeks, I missed coffee breaks so much that I started looking for an alternative.

Hot chocolate came to my mind, but processed cocoa was simply too sweet for me, so I did some research and decided to try pure, unprocessed cocoa. It was a complete new experience for me so I carefully followed the instructions on the back of the container box. I enjoyed stirring the powder with boiled water in my cup. The aroma of cocoa was completely self-explanatory that it is called hot chocolate in English. And voilà! It tasted great!

I also learned that marshmallow goes perfect with hot chocolate. A week later, Sujata P came back to the stores, and my coffee breaks came back as well, but I enjoy hot chocolate as well from time to time.

So yeah, if you need some refreshments other than coffee, you might want to try unprocessed hot chocolate in your favorite flavor.

Yeah, so, thanks for watching. Bye.



Hi everyone. It’s Yukey. I'm fliming this video for the 21 day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. Today's question is "What's the best compliment you've ever gotten?”

It was when I was going to a driver’s school when I was 18. One of the trainers said that I have a bright smile, and that he likes my attitude of learning how to drive.

It’s been a long time since then but it came to my mind when I started thinking of this speech. What makes it really memorable is that I was told what he said by a former classmate who took lessons together from this trainer.  She told me what he said with a smile as if she was the one who got that compliment, and that doubled my happiness.

Several years ago, I came across this article about building good relationships with other people. It said that if you give negative feedback, do it directly to the person; if you give positive feedback, however, do it through other people because compliments are tricky and can be taken as if you’re being sarcastic or brown nosing. I think this article is true given how happy I was when I heard the compliments indirectly.

That being said, I am the kind of person who takes all compliments and positive feedback as they are, so feel free to say nice things to me any time.

Alright, thanks for watching. Bye.



Hi there. It’s Yukey. I'm filming this video for the 21 day challenge of 2 minute speech practice. In this speech, I would like to talk about why I practice pronunciation seriously.

Over the past few months, I've been working on my pronunciation more seriously than before because I really want to become able to speak like a native English speaker.

Truth be told, I once or twice gave up on improving my pronunciation because I thought I was getting too old to change the way of speaking. However, as I got to know prominent English learners on Twitter and learned that some of them started studying English after turning 20 or 30. It made me think that I’ll never get too old to improve my pronunciation.

And I love the fact that good, natural pronunciation makes it easier for me to get my meaning across. And also, learning the English pronunciation by reading books and watching YouTube videos comes with a great bonus. Now I can teach my students how to create the English sounds more efficiently.

Well, I’m aware that there still is a long way to go until I get to the half of where I want to be, so I’ll just try to keep practicing.

Alright, thanks for watching. Bye.



Hi everyone. It’s Yukey. Today's question is “What have you done that it's worth remembering?”

I have never been abroad in my entire life. But one day, one of my students asked me to teach her English expressions that she can use when travelling abroad. I was wondering if I should decline her request because I wasn't really sure if I could be of any help.

I did some research anyway, and learned about the kind of expressions that are likely to be needed when travelling. So I decided to go ahead, and shared a few expressions that you can use to tell that something is wrong at a hotel such as "The shower doesn’t seem to work" or "My card key doesn’t seem to work.", something like that. And we practiced these expressions through translation and role-plays.

A few weeks later, she excitedly told me that she was able to use those expressions in a real situation, and that she really appreciated my efforts. When I saw her beaming, I felt a great sense of achievement.

It would never have happened if I had declined her request, so I learned that there may be something that you can help people with even if you're not really confident in it. You’ll never know until you try! So this episode is worth remembering, and I keep reminding myself of.

Alright, that's it for today. Thanks for watching. Bye!




Hi there! It’s Yukey. Today's question is "When and where do you feel most like your real self?"

Well, I’m still trying to figure out what my real self is. I used to think of myself as an outgoing, and extroverted person, but I found out last year (that) I am quite the opposite. In fact, every time I have a lesson with a new student, my hands tremble out of nervousness.

In addition, I used to be afraid of girls around my age when I was in my teens and early 20s. It's kind of embarrassing to tell you, but I was insecure and self-conscious with low self-esteem, and I felt bad about myself when I’m around them, although I didn’t even realize that I was feeling that way.

However, as I graduated from high school, passing the upper grades of the Eiken, and started working as an online English teacher, I gradually became confident in what I'm doing. All those things have helped me boost my confidence and self-esteem, and now I'm totally comfortable when I am around people of all ages and genders.

So the point that I'm trying to make is that people can change as they grow as a person. You may not be who you think you are. Yeah, hopefully, I can find my real self and be happy with just the way I am someday, so my journey will continue until then.

Alright, that's it for today. Thanks for watching. Bye!



Hi, everyone! It’s Yukey! Today I’m going to talk about why I like the English language.

Speaking the English language is like driving a car, which I always love to do.

If I compare using English to driving a car, English vocabulary is a map. The more you have the geographical knowledge, the more routes you can take when you drive. For example, you might want to take a shortcut when you’re in a hurry while you can go down the empty road to enjoy the scenery in the countryside. The map and vocabulary will give you a lot more options you can choose from when you drive and communicate.

In this sense, the Road Traffic Law is grammar. Just like the traffic needs rules for safety for everyone, a language needs rules. If you ignore the linguistic rules, you can easily end up in a serious misunderstanding. And if you ignore the traffic law, you know what happens.

In addition, English pronunciation is similar to how to steer the wheel, accelerate, and slow down the car. Just like fluent English enables you to communicate comfortably and efficiently, safe and smooth driving enables you to get to your destination nicely and quickly.

I love improving both driving and English skills because I believe the more I learn these skills, the better my life will be. Yeah, so, I’ll keep practicing!

Alright, that's it for today. Thanks for watching! Bye!



Hi, it’s Yukey! This is my second to last day of the 21 day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. Today, I’m going to talk about my long-term and short-term goals.

As a long-term goal, I would like to try the kind of work that requires me to speak in English. Also, translation appeals to me. I haven't decided exactly what I want to translate, but it would be great if I can get involved in something that I love such as cars, cameras and electronic devices. Whatever I do, I will continue to work as an ESL teacher.

As for my short-term goals, I would love to challenge myself by teaching beginners of English because I haven’t taught any beginners yet. By having lessons with them, I believe I can enhance my teaching skills to a great extent. In addition, I want to have lessons on the theme of my favorite things: cars and motorsports. I’m sure it’ll be fun to share English expressions regarding cars and motorsports with the students who share the same interests.

Speaking of cars, my ultimate goal is to get a brand new Toyota GR86, the coolest sports car on this planet, but I don't really know how to reach this goal. So I'll try to achieve my short-term goals one by one, and see if I can get there.

Alright, thanks for watching. I’ll see you in my next video! Bye.



This is my very last day of the 21 day challenge of 2-minute speech practice. Today, I’m going to talk about the things that I learned through posting 21 days’ worth of 2-minute speeches.

Through this challenge, I have learned a lot.

I have been able to improve my writing, in addition to speaking, because I really wanted to make sure that my English would sound as natural as possible. So I always did research when I had something that I wasn’t sure of. I was especially careful about the usage of articles and plurals such as “the” and “a” because it can be very confusing if I mix them up.

Also, I liked it when I found myself getting used to speaking on camera. The more I practiced making speeches, the bigger chunks of words came out of my mouth without looking at my drafts.

Now let me tell you that I'm grateful to all of you for watching my speeches. All the comments and likes have helped me keep going until today. And I would like to say thank you to Sakurako-san once again for initiating this challenge. If it hadn't been for this challenge, I wouldn't have tried to share any of the things that I did in my speeches.

Wow, I feel so accomplished! It has taken me almost a year to finish this challenge. Wow!

Alright, that’s it. Thank you all for watching. Bye!




人に見られることを前提にスピーチをすると、 ちゃんと伝わる英語を話そうという意識が高くなり、自分の英語を録音して聴くだけより、はるかに練習になったと感じています。








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