★更新日: 2025年1月15日 | Update: Jan 15, 2025★

自己紹介 | Self-Introduction


名前 : ゆっきー(旧名:ヤスノスキー)
Name : Yukey (Switched from Yasunosukey)

出身 : 茨城県
Location: Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan 

誕生日: 1985年1月生まれの40歳 
Date of Birth : January, 1985. Age 40

職業: オンライン英会話講師
Occupation: Online English teacher

My profile page on WorldTalk, the online English school that I work with. 

資格: 英検1級(2019年)、TESOL(2019年)、TOEIC900点(2014年)、JTFほんやく検定4級(2013年)、漢字検定準2級
Qualifications: the Eiken Grade 1, TESOL 180 hours, TOEIC score 900, JTF Translation 4 Grade, the Japan Kanj Aptitude Test Pre2 Grade 

趣味と好きなこと: 車がとにかく好き。タイヤとエンジンがついているもの全部好き。Super GT、DTM、Indy Car、F1、WECなどのモータスポーツ観戦も大好き。もちろん運転も大好きです。その他、写真、洋楽、歌詞翻訳、模型作りなどなど、好きなことはたくさんあります。
Hobbies and Interests: I LOVE cars more than anything. Anything that has tires and an engine fascinates me. I am a huge motorsports fan, and I follow race series such as Super GT, Indy Car, F1, and WEC. Other hobbies include taking photos, listening to music, lyrics translation, building models and so on. 

持病: 筋痛性脳脊髄炎[ME](別名:慢性疲労症候群[CFS])
Health Problems: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis [ME] (a.k.a. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [CFS])

子供の頃の夢: 車の免許を取ること
Childhood Dream: Getting a driver's licence. 

目標: トヨタGR86を新車で手に入れること(色はギャラクシーブルーシリカかスターリングシルバーメタリック)。さらにTeinの車高調整ダンパー、BBSのメッシュアルミホイールをつける!
Current Dream: Getting a brand new Toyota GR86 (color:galaxy blue silica or starling silver metalic.) I plan to get Tein's height adjustment shock absorber and BBS's aluminum wheels as soon as I buy the GR86. 

私の英語学習歴 ~オンライン英会話講師になるまで~
English Learning History: I started studying English in April, 2001 (at age 16) with an NHK radio English conversation program. I would read aloud every sentence until I could recite it by heart because I really wanted to be able to speak fluently. I took my first Eiken in 2003 (at age 18). I tried my first TOEIC test in 2007 (at age 22) two months after passing the Eiken Grade 2. The score was 560, and I took the test four times afterward. (685[Jan 2010]→755[Sep 2011]→855[Sep 2013]→900[May 2014])
▼I wrote about my English learning history in detail in this post.
How I Learned English —Until I Became an English Tutor

このブログについて | About this Blog 

I translate Western pop music into Japanese for fun, and I that's what I started this blog for. However, I have recently been posting bilingual articles as well because I wanted to make this blog helpful for those who need information on Japanese life. I have an American friend, who is currently living in Japan, and it seemed that she at times struggled with minor issues due to lack of information in English. For this reason, I started blogging in English as well. You never know what information will be useful to other people, so I try to share anything that I think might be useful.

I changed the blog title "Rojiura Honyaku" to "Yukey Eigo Juku" in Feb., 2021. 

英語学習 | Learning English

I have been learning English for almost 21 years now, and I wanted to share my studying methods and useful expressions that I have learned through conversations with my American friends.

Read My English Learning Posts as an ME Patient (only in Japanese) >>HERE


I have recently finished my online TESOL course. If you are interested, please check this out! >>HERE

写真&カメラ | Photo and Camera

Photography is what I enjoy the most aside from watching motorsports. It is fun to see the world with my camera (Sony a6000). I love taking pictures of flying birds, crazy fast cars, waterfalls, flowers and beautiful landscapes found on this planet. I also blog about my camera and lens from time to time.

Read Photo and Camera >>HERE

日英バイリンガル記事 | Bilingual Posts

I started to bilingualize my blog to make it helpful for foreign people living in Japan and to practice my English writing as well. All of the bilingual posts are corrected/proofread by my American friends, so I hope they are helpful for Japanese English learners as well.   

Read Bilingual Posts>>HERE

筋痛性脳脊髄炎 | Myalgic Encephalomyelitis [ME/CFS]

私の持病である筋痛性脳脊髄炎[ME](別名:慢性疲労症候群[CFS])に関しては、新たなブログ「ME Life is Like...」を始めました。以下のURLからアクセスできます。
I started a new blog, ME Life is Like..., specifically on my illness, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis[ME] (aka. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[CFS]).

ME Life is Like...[External link]

Read Myalgic Encephalomyelitis[ME/CFS] Posts>>HERE 

SNSもやってます | Social Media

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Yasunosukey

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yukey.english/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV8NBFwbkNWvMfnsEE-AXmA

プロフィール写真について | About My Profile Picture

Photo by atacamaki

My profile picture was taken by a professional photographer/my oldest friend, atacamaki. He has the ability to shoot beautiful portrait images that make you feel as if you were in the image yourself. 
▲以前のプロフィール写真 Previous profile picture

He also takes very artistic beautiful pictures of nature. If you like my profile picture, please go check out his website(only in Japanese.)


ataca maki photography (official Facebook page)

著作権と個人情報保護方針 | Rights and Privacy Policy

著作権 | Copyright

The contents of this blog are the sole property of Yukey. For this reason, please always use proper citation when quoting articles or portions of articles within this blog.

Please also give proper citation on all social media sites such as Facebook, LINE, Twitter, etc.

個人情報保護方針 | Privacy Policy

I use third party advertisement programs on this blog such as Google Adsense, A8.net, AfB, Moshimo, Value Commerce, and iTunes Affiliate Program.

I also use Amazon Associate Program and earn commisions through that program.

These advertisers may use technology such as "cookies" when they advertise on this blog. By using cookies, they collect information to personalize their advertisements. "Cookies" do not track personal information such as your name or physical address, however, you can choose to disable or selectively turn off cookies in your browser settings. 

Also, I use Google Analytics, which uses cookies to collect trafic information (the number of access and websites you come from). Collected trafic information does not include your personal information, however, you can choose to disable or selectively turn off cookies in your browser settings just like the above.
